Jun 12, 2004 (Sat) Sunny
Jeff went out late night to see a football match with his friends in pubs. Men do need happy hours sometimes, and I have diplomatic enough to compromise with it. However, I have missed him already before he closed the door. I thought I would feel lonely until he comes back home in the midnight. But in another second, My feeling was fine, I had my own time to do whatever I like.
I took out my lovely brand new nail polisher to do the manicure. The shiny rosy orange colour reflected on my ten nails and made me delightful. Then I jumped in front of the computer to do my new piece of My Secret Diary (this one) and listening to my favourite song. I felt alone but not lonely.
When I was making this piece of diary, Jeff sent me couples of icq messages. I wonder how come he could send me the message when he was in the way to Tsim Sha Tsui. He told me he sent by his mobile phone, and he took a snap shot with his mobile phone camera and conveyed it through internet. Didn't it romantic and lovely?
Checking the calender, I found that we have married for almost nine months. Sometimes, I could not believe this young man in front of me, who I did not know until 1996, eventually became my husband, the person I will depend on in my life. Do you believe in destiny? I believe. At least destiny determines where you were born, who are your parents and anyone you would pass by. To make is short, destiny equals to probability, but destiny is a much more sentimental and romantic term.
I have worked in my new job for a month, so far everything run smooth. Colleague are very nice and helpful. Eventhough the working hour is rather long, I do not feel totally exhausted. I have confidence to face any challenge.
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5 weeks ago