Yes, I know it sounds a bit old fashioned, but it is meaningful to have a review of what we had done, or what had happened in the globe in 2005.
Referring my previous blog, I have quite a busy year, and I have made a lot of new moves.
In end January, I had my first trip to United States with Jeff. We had been New York and Washington, we visited a lot of places where I saw in movies: MoMa Museum, Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Broadway, White House, Trump tower, the fifth avenue, etc, etc. Surely this was an amazing journey especially for me.
Jeff and I have started our 'independent' live since March. We moved out from the family and built our lovely net. I learnt to cook and did housework; however, it was too hard to do the cooking because my workload was heavy. Luckily Jeff is a great husband and he is willing to be the 'chef' of many dinners.
Annual dinner of our company in March was also an unforgettable moment for me. The dressing competition brought us lots of fun. Even though my Little Miss Bee costume could not win the award, it was already very great to be a participant.
A horrible 'Internal Presentation' session was around May-June, which was a nightmare to most of the young executives. I still remembered the hidden confrontation between us and the management. Many of us were so depressed and had planning to quit the job.
By end June, I took an initiative to take a project, poorly it was not stick with the schedule. I could only manage to finish it by mid September, and worked alone. This study had time clash with my core project, but great thanks to my teammates that they backed me up a lot. I called this 'took-an-initiative-to-take-a-project act' as 'the stupidest I had done in 2005'. However, to be frank, I could learn a lot through this working alone self learning process.
The company trip to Thailand and Cambodia was in end September, right after I discovered that I am pregnant. I am pretty sure this is my last trip before the due date of my baby.
Then, needless to say, this miraculous pregnancy thing in late 2005 is the highlight news of this year.
Alright, let's talk about the international and local affairs in the next diary. May I take this opportunity to wish you all have a joyful and adventurous 2006!!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
5 weeks ago