Friday, December 29, 2006
It is a fun work to do the categorization. I classify my articles in a special way (I think)... My categories so far include: Anthropology freak, book worm, Fragrant harbor, I'm a mama, My global village, Precious Moment, Really a big deal, Whatever, Working bee and Wow something new. I think they sounds really cool (or weird?? or just nothing special?? Never mind)
Remember that I had studied one school of thought in Anthropology class - Structuralism, which was introduced by a guy called Claude Levi Strauss, he set up a model to study Myth across cultures... His theory may not be totally relevant to this post, but he reminded me about the structure of human's cognitive thinking, I can find out how I perceive my world simply by the classification I use in my blog.
Seems that my life consists of the above sections - Precious Moment is actually the prime part, it includes all the joyful experience with my love, my family, my friends, whenever and whatever, then the role of a mother is also my another identity. Working bee is also a reflection of me... 5 am proud to be a freaky anthropologist, even someone think only silly and aimless people will study this subject... And then Fragrant harbor (Hong Kong), my global village are the environment I am living in and care about. Book is an element that I cannot miss out, and from time to time, I need something new and interesting to enlighten my life.
How is your categorization look like?
Devastation in Internet World!!!
Could not imagine that an earthquake near Taiwan triggered such a tremendous problem before the end of this year. This incident must be one of the most important news in 2006. Thanks god that at least no big scale destruction happened in this 2nd anniversary of tsunami in Asia.
How do you feel in these few days without or with very limited access to your MSN, internet or email account? Do you feel any emptiness?? I do feel lost somehow, and actually I wanted to correct my typo in my last piece of entry, and add several new diaries... As I could not get through blogger for several times, I scrabbled somethings on my real diary and fell asleep in the mid way...
If I am lucky enough, this piece of entry will be shown on Dec 29 22:30.
By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PA PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Returning to our cultural root??
Well, for me, celebrating foreign festivals is one thing, respecting our own culture is another thing. Sending Christmas cards or joining parties will not make us losing our sentiment to our national value. Why can't we be more liberal and try to appreciate all the beautiful things from various cultures? After all, Christmas is about joy to the world, to love our friends in this planet.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Feel so lucky that I am living in web2.0 - an era with blog, wikipedia, you tube ... and now coming another popular thing - Facebook.
It is an effective tool to establish online social networking and then further facilitate the offline communication. Do not understand what on earth I am talking about,? Why don't you have a look of it??
Does the blossom of all these webs reflect that human being actually have a basic instinct to express themselves and sharing information with others? For me, I gain satisfaction when writing blog, it is now my major hobby. Isn't it a bit weird?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Meg Cabot's newly released books
She just launched the Princess Diaries Vol VIII, Princess on the Brink; Size 14 is not fat either of the sequel of Size 12 is not fat; Valentine Princess and Missing You. I will put all of them in my X'mas shopping list.
I can't believe that I had became a 'Princess Diaries' fan for three years. I read the first volume in 2003.
Do you wanna know more about Meg Cabot? Click the title above and enter her latest website.
For book worms who visit my website frequently, please let me know what you are reading, let's share your joyful reading experience with me, thanks!!!
A letter to
Now I am using the blogger Beta version, where provides some new functions such as post categorization (even though this is not something new and already existed in yahoo and xanga for ages). It would be even better if Blogger can provide more templates and fancy functions for users. I know you guys are from the high-tech tribe, but adding some artistic elements will surely attract more female users.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Noel Noel

This is last working week before the Christmas holiday, I worked so effectively today.
Our company will hold a Christmas party on this Thu afternoon time, and then have a half day off on Friday for the 'Winter Solstice' of Chinese Calendar. Most families will have a reunion dinner that night. It is very great to be in a culturally hybrid place like Hong Kong, we celebrate both Chinese and western festivals.
It is time to do a review of 2006 and think about my New Year Resolution. Time flies and sometimes you do not have time to look at your life in another angle. Now, by the end of the year, grasp a chance to understand myself again!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A nice weekend
Baby is next to me at the moment, staring at the screen and looks back to me sometimes, what a great day.
I treasure all these little blissful moments.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Antique (the 2nd Episode)
Now the ambience becomes more comfortable. I decorated our room with some Christmas ornament and it looks so homey now.
Got a project commission suddenly. I give a good name for the project, hope it brings me good luck.
People may wonder how come I am so superstitious... If you work here, you will understand. Something that no colleague disagree with me - all projects got obstables, but if your give a silly name for a project, the situation will be getting worse, believe it or not.
Anthropologists suggested that supersition is important sometimes because it fulfills psychological needs. Sometimes you have hard time and nothing you can control, if you believe in Feng Shui, at least you will move the position of your stuff a bit and help you to restore your positive thought.
Is it self-deceiving? I don't think so. Samantha, cross our fingers!!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Jelly tried to fix it by adhesive tape. Of course it is a total failure. He put the broken pieces on the top of the cabinet like rubbish. My client came last night and he said it would bring negative impact to the Feng Shui of our room.
No wonder I have so much hindrance in my career development. This afternoon, I put a big black cardboard on that broken antique. Hope my luck will be getting better.
Today is Friday, I have very strong holiday mood!! Only 2 weeks left before the Christmas holiday, really can' t wait!!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Christmas is all around
Have you ever dreamt about a wonderful christmas party? All those fashion magazines teach girls how to dress up and wear a glittering make up to countless parties. This year, I want to spend all precious time with my family and friends in some home parties. It must be a joyful moment.
Remember that last year we threw a party at my parents' home we invited our my cousin's family to join. I was in 5 months pregnancy. My uncle kept mentioned that my baby would be running around in the next Christmas. Now, Lucas is still too small to walk but definitely he is a very active baby already.
Time flies and we should treasure everyone who is around us. Spread peace and love to the one next to you! God love you and have a wonderful plan in your life.
There is still hope!!!
Just discover that if I take annual leaves on Dec 27-29 I will have a long X'mas Vacation from Dec 23-Jan 1. I had sent the application and hope there will be no hindrance. All clients are in the holiday mood also.
I can smell the hope in my life again. I should have a well-planned holiday to treat myself the best.
Oh my goodness, my enthusiatism comes back!!
Jesus is really great, his birhthday lightens up my exhaustive December.
My friends, how is your X'mas schedule, is it packed already??
Another late night
During the way back home, I sit in a taxi. My brain was wandering but my body paralyzed. My right wrist was extremely painful, seemed the bone was already worn out by using the mouse for 16 hours . I missed my baby terribly but definitely he was having a sound sleep.
I do hope, in the soon future, no more late night.
Wish my Christmas merry.
I wish to take a one month break if I could, to give myself sufficient time to re-consider my direction.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Dragon Ball
It would be great if 'Creammi' and 'Daddy-long-legs' will be shown on TV again.
Which cartoon you love most?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hong Kong's vanishing historical past
Why should we re-locate the ferry pier in Central? Why we should reclaim the Victoria Harbour aggressively , simply for establishing some flashy housing estate for affluent people along the water front? The magnificent sea view is belonged to every HongKongese actually.
What on earth those urban planning guys are doing? Do not fool me, I studied Urban Planning before, no single chapter suggests urban planner to demolish everythings to build high profit apratments.
Monday, November 20, 2006
You know that I am not a lazy person.
When could I leave this cage? Should I seek for any professional advice?
A sweet Wedding
We could not believe that Anthony is a musical talent. He wrote and composed a song by himself. He sang the song in their wedding ceremony in church to express his genuine love towards the bride.
In the wedding banquet, Anthony thanked his mom, he said his mom may not able to give him a lot of material things, but she taught him one thing that he would never forget, i.e. to be a good person.
I am impressed. Many parents teach their kids to win others, to be in the front, to get the high marks, to gain money, but they always forget the most important love education.
Materials can never last long, the most important thing is love.
Hopeless vs. brainless
I just think that if I build a school, I will separate students into two houses - Hopeless house and brainless house. Here are the cheers:
We are the hopeless!! (Clap Clap Clap, Clap Clap, Clap), or
Who are the worst? We are the worst, coz we are BRAINLESS!!!
We may wonder why I have such negative thinking, or you start to be irriated by my miserable diary, I am annoyed by myself too.
I don't know why every Friday I feel that I have no hope, and Jelly please do not remind me all the time that I really have no hope here. It is not my fault, I do believe.
I lose my passion here.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I miss my blog sphere
How are you all friends? Life is busy for me as usual, but I could manage to leave my work at 7 pm or earlier in past 3 weeks, thanks Samantha and Ally for taking many works especially those pop out after 7. I had spent much more time with Lucas then, I feel that we develop the rapport (it is hilarous to talk about rapport between mother and kid, but it does make some sense for a working mom and her child). Everytime I look at him, he will smile back cheerfully, his smiling face always melts me down.
Lucas is growing very fast, the speed is unbelievable. I have a weird thought all the time, I always want Lucas remains as a baby forever, then he would be taken care by me. Jeff said it is a common thought for many mothers, I am not really insane.
Several reports and jobs pile up but let tomorrow me to face them.
Night night everybody.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Walk away from the cloud
'Positioning' is not only a simple concept in marketing, it is also applicable to my life. Everyone's life is consist of many elements - Love, family, career, friends, study and whatever, we need wisdom to prioritize them. For me, at least in these few years, I would put family in the top of the list. These few years are the critical time for my baby's development, and now I realize that staying with my family brings me the genuine satisfaction and happiness.
Once I make the decision, I will get my direction!
I understand it is not easy to be a working mom even I know my direction, but I will have an anchor. Trust me, don't have to worry me, life will only go better.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
妳見到我每天臉色蒼白,眼神空洞,手腳乾枯,你有感覺嗎?妳沒有,妳只顧著自己的花甲有沒有花痕。我近來掉了很多頭髮,你知嘛?我每晚發惡夢,你又怎會明白?就算我變成禿頭,精神分裂,妳只會說:「wah lau..咩咁醜樣呀你?」
妳竟夠膽同我們說:「there is nothing we cannot do, it just depends on how we do!」???那一個月否真的這麼重要?我們交不到reports世界會行慢了麼?妳應該跟客人討價還價,不是唯唯諾諾!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
What I had learnt in the last 2 years?
How come I am so miserable all the time??
Jelly is out of office, I do not know where he is, seems he has a lot of business to take care of, the work here is not interested to him anymore!!!
Frankly speaking, his frequent absence does not make me feel good.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
What we believe but cannot prove

Currently read this book. 'What we believe but cannot prove?' is a question posed by John Brockman in his website and attracted many contemporary scientists and thinkers from various aspects to contribute their ideas. They have diversified answers to this question, which include the string theory, the existence of afterlife, the existence of God, extraterrestrial species, etc. All these instinct believes create swirls of debate across different regimes.
Highly recommend for those who are interested in science, or who still remain their curiosity like kids.
For details, please visit
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Night Night
Yesterday I went to Ocean Park with my family, including Lucas. Every corner recalled my childhood and teenage memories, which are as colourful as jelly beans. I remembered the great time I've spent in the Water World for 3 months as a life guard more than 10 years ago.
Now I become a new mother, with a little boy in my arms. Wow, our generation is different from our parents' one. We are lucky enough to share the same childhood memories with our kids. Ocean Park is always a wonderland!! This is a place that the Disneyland could not replace.
Life is so amazing. Children always remind you how beautiful the world is.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Talk less, do more
I saw some vivid examples illustrate that sometimes a person speaks something expose his weakness and incapability; or he does something which he thinks it is cute but it is actually irritating from others' eyes.
Of course, it is somehow sophisticated and the should learn from experience. Luckily I improved a lot in this aspect throughout all these years.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Then the next day, he told me 'I tell my daughters about the Podcast!'
'Really? What did they say?" I sound enthusiatically.
He replied, 'They think I am an idiot and said "of course, we use it everyday!!"'
I couldn't help to stop laughing, kids nowsdays are the trendest customers of all electronic gadgets.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Need to work on the coming Saturday, but we plan to go to Ocean Park this Sunday. Hope the weather would be fine that day, I will bring Lucas along, he must be very happy. I haven’t met any baby who is as outgoing as him.
So what I can be in this Halloween? Surely a zombie is the most effortless character I can act, just need several pieces of bandage wrap over my body, and I just need to maintain my semi-conscious status while walking on the street.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
My career is like a slow train crawling up the hill
The worse thing is, I am having a baby on the train.
Tell me what should I do. I am so incapable.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Circles of friends
Another gathering was with Jeff's schoolmates. 17 pals (me and Jeff inclusive) had a BBQ party in Yuen Long. We left home at 10:30pm and came back home at 5:00am in the early morning. Haven't been that wild for a long time!
Heard from my sister that she and my parents will go to Ocean Park for the Halloween celebration tomorrow night. I should work late, wish they enjoy their time!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
What I only care about is Global Warming
Now I only care about the Global Warming. SCMP today stated we almost reach the highest average temperature of the recent million years, just 1 more degree celsius.
This is not only a Global Warming, but also a Global WARNing.
Does this news make any difference of your life today?
I love this global village, but I still buy take away food.....
I am a lucky thing?
However, how come I still feel desperated sometimes? I always feel guilty... If I spend time to my family, I worry my work and my colleague; while I work late, I feel bad for not spending quality time to my husband and my baby.
I can imagine how bad is when only the father stays with the kid, but mommy is absent from that picture - if this happens always.
I worry that if I miss out somethings and I don't know at the moment, but when I turn my head back, I will regret for it.
Baby grows much longer and bigger, but I just realized it last night, I really do want to stay with him, I miss him terribly, and I just discovered that I take all the work Jeff done for granted, which is so unfair to him.
Am I a lucky thing?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Working bees' Club
I decided to bring work back home because I want to stay with my baby, even though he becomes more friendly to his nanny than to me.... It is kinda pathetic but I have to accept it. No one asks me to be a working mom but just myself. My family told me my baby will recognize me as his REAL mother, when he grows a bit older.
Today is Jelly's birthday. Our clients threw a surprise party in their place, right before a phone conference. I assumed that someone over the phone will send a distance greeting to him by singing a birthday song, but finally no one did that.
Another two meetings tomorrow, am thinking about how to schedule my 'milk production' slot.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Somewhere over the rainbow

Jeff took this photo yesterday. A rainbow emerged over the Tolo Harbour, what a dreamy view.
After he saw the rainbow, Jeff rushed back to office and bought a mark six, because he assumed seeing a rainbow is a sign of luck.
Well, you can expect the result... today we should get back to our working place as usual.
Anyway, the weather is getting a bit well today!
Shake Shake
Last night an earthquake reached Richter scale 3.5 struck Hong Kong. People felt the tremor in Wong Chuk Han. The epicentre was in Dangan Island.
What ashame that I had no idea about the earthquake history of Hong Kong, as a Geography student. Anyway, I got the following information from this morning SCMP:
The strongest earthquake to strike Hong Kong was on February 13, 1918, measuring 8 on the Richter scale. Damage in the city was light but 1,000 people were killed in Shantou, Guangdong.
The second-strongest quake, on September 16, 1994, measured 6.5, 50 times less strong than the 1918 one, rattling the city for 30 seconds.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
It's better to sit with my friends, at least we can talk silly things when we are bored to death.
Don't know when the rain will stop.
Tomorrow my whole company will have an incentive tour to Burma, but I will not join, because I cannot drop my part-time job - milk production.
That means I will be more lonely tommorrow and next Monday. Anyway, I guess I can get use to it.
Sigh, really have no mood today, hope I could finish my work earlier this evening.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Yesterday I finished the reading of 'Size 12 is not fat' by Meg Cabot. Don't know it is a detective story before, but still very amusing as her others' books. I will pick another book to read tonight.
Yesterday I received the confirmation letter for a salary increment. Not a big fat one, but out of my expectation. It is worth to celebrate... you know, in your life you may not be that lucky to have many chances to be surprised by the salary increment, right?
That's why my father-in-law keeps saying human should run their own business, not being employed.... But the weakness of this theory is - if everyone becomes a boss, who would work for them?
Have no mood to work today, the office is freezy, had heavy downpour this morning.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Except, I broke the laser pointer when I played with it nervously.
The presentation was not perfect at all but I think they had positive comment on it, and I do have some important learnings from this whole process... such as... don't try to argue with you audience sometimes, bear in mind that this is not a pure academic discussion like what we did in school, in order to strive for the truth.
Instead, presentation in market research is much more about how to manage your audience and to be aware of the dynamic inside.
I will let them know their salary increment to me is worth!
Autumn arrives
Last weekend I indulged myself with a luxurious facial treatment, and went to the park on weekend with Lucas. Just wonder that I become a complete mom now - bring kids to park on Sunday and cut off all those late night activities - it sounds not that cool, but more healthy, right?
Should maintain a good mood because it would be a big waste if you feel sad in such fine days. Not many comfortable days in a year in Hong Kong... thanks to the sub-tropical monsoon climate and the air pollution!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Beautiful vs. Pretty
Pretty - sweet, good looking, cute, young
Beautiful - stunning, gorgeous, irresistable, elegant, charming, brilliant, chrismatic
I always feel 'pretty' is an adjective for 'girl' only, while 'beautiful' always come with 'woman'. There are many pretty girls in the world, but much less beautiful women, it is because 'Beauty' is not only about the outlook, but also the sustance inside.
For example, if Nicole Kidman is beautiful, Jessica Simpson is pretty.
If Maggie Cheung is beautiful, myself is pretty. Hahahahah, just kidding, but I mean it, hahahaha!!!
You can give me some examples, it should be interesting!!
TGIF again!!!
In all of my previous jobs, I worked 5.5 days/per week, it is a bit painful because you don't have this 'Thanks God It Friday' feeling on Friday, and you don't want to hang out with friends in Friday nights because you have to wake up early on Saturday morning.
If I really wanna change my job, I will definitely look for those 5 days work only. Just a gut feeling, the employers of those 5 days works are more considerate and respect the staff's personal time.
I book a facial treatment tomorrow afternoon, I haven't had it since I was pregnant, it's time to pamper myself!!!!!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Jude Law guy
Not sure if she is talking about OUR British client we tele-communicated with last Friday - he has a strong British accent (of course, it is nothing special unless he has a strong HongKonger's accent), we raised him a nick-name Mark Darcy.
However, last time Ally told me he is alike the new Super Man, instead of Jude Law.... Wow, look like either of them is very okay, I think!!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
She said I am a typical Taurus person - extremely stubborn person, always insist on somethings that have no strong reasons. She is talking about my breast-feeding 'project'.
I am still producing breast milk but actually I feel very exhausted, it even slows down my recovery process, but I still don't want to stop it, for the sake of my baby, or for the sake of the aim I set to myself.
However, I know that it starts making bad impact to my body. What can I do? Where is the happy balance?
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Finally we have done the review
I feel happy about it.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Sweep away the clouds
I couldn't believe that in the next day, he left a note on my deck, he wrote 'A big smile for you. You're doing fine, you are too critical of yourself.' He even drew a big mounth with some round teeth on it.
I knew that he had a lunch with other bosses yesterday, he told them I was extremely stressful recently and forced myself to be excel in all aspects. Other bosses were a bit surprising and asked Jelly to tell me not suffocate myself, and give myself sometimes to get use to the new role of working mom.
All of them are very nice. Actually I have some beloved ones also supported me unconditionally in the recent time, especially Jeff and my family. Jeff is a very caring person and he is the only one who suffered all my emotional changes everyday. When he asked what gift I would like to have as a reward of being a good mother in these few month, I told him it is not necessary because his caring is already the best gift.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Premier Banking
Today I helped Jelly to deposit a check to his Premier Banking account in HSXC (frankly speaking, this is out for my job duty, I am not his secretary! But now I should spend my Saturday morning to handle this stuff, I will refuse to do it next time), I asked a staff in the Premier Banking centre to handle it.
Can you guess what had happened to me? The CS representative asked if I am his secretary, and she stated that only Premier Banking account holders could use the service in that centre IN PERSON. She still did it for me but she explained because I carried a baby this time and didn't want to make any inconvenience to me. The hidden message is... she didn't have to serve me actually.
It is quite embarrassing especially when you stood in the 'centre' of that centre and some other customers were around, when she said the above things loud enough to let everyone heard it.
If I am eligible for priority banking service in the future, definitely I will not go for HSBC... Oops, I leak out the real name of this bank.....
And I will tell Jelly he made me so lame, and I am a MARKET RESEARCHER, not his SECRETARY, unless he pays me extra salary!!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday blue was gone, should have a bright Tuesday
There are two problems causing this:
1. I have a baby now, my bosses perceived I am not a 100% devotee to job. They don't think 'balance in life' is a normal way to live your life.
2. I work very close with Jelly but my payroll is still under my bosses. Afterall, Jelly is just a PARTNER of this company, not a PART of this company. I know there are some confrontations between the two parties before.
I evaluated my performance from time to time. You know, when you feel something strange in your career development, you should not blame everyone in the first place, instead, should have a retrospect of what you have done. So far I think I work smart and hard in my jobs, I handle all projects well, and Jelly satisfies what I have done. However, the system in this company cannot access it. Strictly speaking, there is no system in this company.
If your boss offers you a review without asking your immediate senior's comment, and when you ask him what he thinks about you, he says: 'Sorry, actually I don't know you, I am not in the right place to judge you....' What will you feel? This happened on me in the last round evaluation. So, what is the ground my bosses used to decide my salary increment and promotion opportunity? Nothing!!
Well, even Jelly said it's time for me to have some changes, if I cannot see any bright future here.
I will have the review by this Wednesday or Thursday, if Kelly respects me and won't change it again, let's see....
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Light Out Hong Kong 888
I do hope I could participate it, but I worry if I am in my way back home at that moment. If we could rush back home before 8, Jeff and I will stay in our room, with Lucas in my arms, and enjoy the quiet and light-less 3 minutes.
Environment protection is not only about slogans, it is a value, a life style, the way you respect our planet, all species, and our next generations.
Is that what god damn civil eduation about???
Since 1986, Mr. Heung had turned a government land to private residential use... illegally. He converted the warehouse into a fascinating private housing and a garden. The total area is as huge as several football fields.
Mr. Heung rejected all criticism; he claimed he is not a resident of that house because he stayed there for only 2-3 days a week. Obviously, the house is his villa, according to his explanation, but is a villa a residential land use?
Not to mention he had already broken the labour rule that the Philippino maid he hired to safe guard this house, if this is not his living place.
The whole incident is not only about land using, but the way he faced his fault, does this what civil education mean in Hong Kong? No wonder I don't have any empathy when watching at the propaganda which promotes patriotism he puts on the TV, and I don't surprise anymore when seeing kids who rush into MTR cabinet and fight a seat with elderly people.So far Mr. Tsueng still makes no response to this news.
Monday, August 07, 2006
She looks like a peasant??

Is there really the great difference between local and westerners in term of the perception of beauty??
Many Hong Kong people thinks Kathy Chow is stunning, Jelly thinks she looks like a peasant in Mainland China.
I guess he doesn't really know how do Mainland China peasants look like... Or, most Mainland China peasants are model-like, he guesses.
Be prepare
It is a joy to help people and make others happy. Being a girl guide, I always remember our motto - 'Be Prepare!' - Be prepare to help others. When you spread the happiness to other, he/she will pass it forward.
I enrolled to be a girl guide when I was 13 years old, although I am no longer a girl in the blue uniform, I will never forget the pledge I made during the enrolment, this is the promise:
I promise that I will do my best,
to do my duty to God,
to serve Hong Kong,
to help other peoples,
and to keep the guide's law.
East Kowloon 13th company is always my anchor.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
He is such a caring person
'Wah, the baby's father is a v-very caring person ha!' I wondered how come she picked up Chin-glish so fast, I never spoke to her in this way.
'Why does she know?' I asked.
'She saw Jeff washed his own car and cared his wife (that's me) and his baby much lor.' She said.
'Wow, seems she may know lot of our secrets!!' I replied.
'No la, she can see us through the window ma, then she saw him washing his car all the time.’
Well, can you see the dynamics in a community? You can't believe someone you don't know know you so much, and you also don't know he knows you so much!!!
It makes me think about those housewives in 'The Desperate Housewives'!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Girls, you all came back!!
Carrie and Berger had lot of fights recently. Berger suggested to have a break. One night he came back and tried to fix the relationship, but in the next morning, he left a Post-it on Carrie's laptop, stated 'Sorry, I can't! Don't hate me!'. Carrie smashed the canation bouquet he sent on the floor!! It was just like what Carrie mentioned before 'Now having a break, then break up, then break down....'
Miranda felt guilty every morning when she left her baby to the nanny. Then she decided to have a change in her professional life - cut back her working hours from 24x7 to 50 hours per week (55 the top). As assured and determined as her usual, she forced her law firm partner to accept it.
Charlotte had too many dates, ladies from the women community she just joined forced her to date their sons. Those matchmakers must be very diappointed because finally Charlotte met Harry, her ex-boyfriend she had dumbed, in a Church gathering, she confessed that he was her true love. Harry proposed immediately and she accepted.
Samatha was a cheerful as usual. She managed to get Smith to be the model of 'Absolute', and made a huge poster hanged on a building - with his totally naked body, only used the 'Absolute' bottle covered that... well... huge part, which was 3 flats high. Smith felt sad about the ad because he only got attention and teasing but no other jobs at all. Samatha asked him to relax, because one day he would attrack guys, and then girls, finally everyone. All these came true and Smith could get a chance to act in a movie - acting a lousy drug addicted model - he accepted it joyfully......
Wow, couldn't wait for the next weekend!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Meet Joe Black & Peanut Butter
Both of us also agreed Brad Pitt was so charming in that movie. Sam then said, ‘See? We are so shallow!’ Then I replied, ‘Yes, but I admit!!’ Haha.
I've seen ‘Meet Joe Black’ twice, first time in cinema, the second time in Pearl channel. If this movie is a beverage, I think it is a glass of Bailey’s, it’s sweet, but a bit bitter with strong aroma.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A working mom
Yesterday I still missed my baby when I was in office, but today, maybe I’ve geared up, I don’t think about him when I concentrate on my work. It seems nothing change as before.
Some people said once you become a mother, you will totally dedicate to your baby and have no ambition to your career. I don’t think this is the case for me. I still chase for a prosperous career development, this should be part of my self-actualization.
It doesn’t mean I don’t concern about Lucas though, I still miss him very much when I am off my work, and I will spend a lot of time with him during weekends and after work.
I love Lucas so much!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
It's time to get back to work
My place in office will be relocated, I will sit next to Jelly, my direct boss. I'm sure I will miss Sam so so so much. Remember our director Kelly Larry claimed we were 'chopstick sisters' because we stuck to each other every moment. Now we should be separated. As Jelly doesn't like his staff to use instant messages, it might be a bit hard to chat with her all the time as we used to be.
Another new change I should face is having a new challenge - I should pump out the breast milk in office for every couple hours. Definitely not an easy task.
Had brought a lot of new office outfits because some of my old clothes still don't fit me. I still have 7-8 pounds left from prenancy, but I look perfectly okay, at least I don't look like I am in my 5 months expecting mother. However, I still hope to get back to my original weight and shape soon.
Hope you all have a nice Sunday!! The sun is lovely.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Trimming down
Last Sunday I went dancing with my sister. Actually my sister was being my instructor and taught me Jazz dancing. It's really a good aerobic exercise, and I felt my tummy and thighs toned immediately.
I feel a bit guilty for not doing exercise yesterday, should do at least 30 minutes workout today.
I may not about to get back to my original weight right before I resuem my work by the end of this month, but it won't be too far. Now only 8 extra pounds left.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Freakonomics tells you why
This book is not written by Mars Language, there is no complicated equation difficult chart, but it explains lots of daily pheonomenon through an unique and accurate point of view.
There are several interest topics: such as, who is an ideal parent? Does your name matter? Why a wealth gap between black and white, etc. Some study results surprise readers, they are very controversial which lead to attack by other scholars, but at least it gives you a new way to perceive our planet.
Here is the authors' blog:
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
I hate Toshiba Protege Notebook!
The notebook works well always, but since last month, it got problems - only when I use it. The blue or b/w screen may come out which claimed there was system failure, but when Jeff went home, it got back to normal. Shit!!!!!
Not only this notebook, but lots of gadgets in our room also do this to me. Jeff also witnessed it once, when I tried to switch on a electronic appliance, it wouldn't work, but if Jeff did it, it went back to normal. I swear that I know how to switch it on, but it seems all machines doesn't like me much.
It drives me crazy.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I believe I can fly...
This evening we met some relatives in airport, they would migrate to US tomorrow.
During the way to airport, the sky is extraordinary beautiful. The sky above Hong Kong has not been such clear for a long time. After the alternative rainy and fine weather, trees and bushes along the highway are in sparklingly green colour.
At that moment, Jeff and me thought about having a leisure trip coincidently , we both have an idea that to have it before the end of my maternity leave. Taipei or Shanghai would be the best place, we could spend just 3 days 2 nights aboard to experience a relaxing journey.
However, how about baby? Maybe I can keep a certain amount of breast milk into the freezer, then Lucas won't be starved.
Well, we have another alternative, i.e. spending a weekend at Disneyland for 2 days 1 night, it seems a bit easier...
Should think about it thoroughly...
Friday, June 23, 2006
FAQs on Marketing
One question is about when did the first marketing activities take place amongst mankind, Kotler gave a funny answer: in Genesis, when snake 'promoted' an apple to Eve, this is the first marketing event, and then Eve tempted Adam to have it, it's the second one.
Kotler also introduced many new marketing terms in the book, such as 'holistic marketing', 'prosumers', etc. A good marketing book if you wanna read something technical but light.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Bonding amongst the little boy and the big boys
I can tell these big boys will love Lucas so much, as they're growing with his daddy and witness how he passes through his different life-stages.
Lucas, you are so lucky.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
While there's life, there's hope
In yesterday press conference, he claimed a quote from Ciero (Roman author, orator, & politician (106 BC - 43 BC), 'while there's life, there's hope.'
Life is full of obstacles and difficulties, but all these make our lives full and challenging.
Friday, June 09, 2006
About the princess
This is already the seventh volume of the series. I couldn't believe I am so childish to read the books which are targeting for teenage readers actually, and devote to them up to the latest volume!!!
Anyway, Mia, the princess, is so sweet. Literally, I 'see' her growing up in these few years, she emerged from a shy girl who wanted to be invisible everytime, to a confident young lady.
When will Meg Cabot publish the eighth version, just can't wait!
Sneaking out....
And the pair of Betty-boop-round-thighs-in-human-version, when will they become a bit leaner?
And when can I sneak out for a longer while and see a movie?? I haven't watched The Da Vinci Code yet.
I decided to have a child-free time tomorrow evening.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Get back to work
Well, in my company, the Darwin theory doesn't work, the survival may not be the fittest... well, you may say some of them are great to endure or equip themselves to the environment (our company). However, throughout the history, many fittest executives decided to resign and got a better place at competitors firms.
Let the July-24-me to worry about the job, I should take care of my baby first.
Monday, June 05, 2006
June 4
I wish all the sacrifice is worth, democracy is still what we are striving for....
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
One day my colleague asked me what I would put into my blog. For me, blog is simply an online daily where I put something I would love to with others. Truly, it won't totally reveal everything in my heart. You know, blog is very personal but also very public at the same time, everyone can access the link, it's really hard to show my life blatantly to others.
Some writers prefer to write controversial articles, usually they would receive lots of unnecessary attacks, people love to show off their excellent logical thinking and challenge the writer words by words, which is so humiliating!!
Do you love blog writing?
Friday, May 26, 2006
Hi, stranger!
Frankly speaking, when the doc put him onto my belly in the delivery room, I was a bit shock... I didn't see this process in Discovery Science. You know, in the TV, when a baby is born, a nurse will hold it up and try to make him cry, she won't put it on the mother's tummy.
Therefore, when the little one which hid inside my belly suddenly appeared on my belly, I thought, 'oh hi, stranger!!' Then the nurse took him away for the examination and gave him back to me. She asked me to kiss him. I was too tired but loved to kiss and smell him. He smelled so nice!!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Betty was born in 1930, she started her career as a dog, and then gradually evolved to a wide-eyes innocent little girl by 1932. Her overwhelming popularity was contributed by her unique sexy image - curly hair, big eyes, full lips, round figures, cute voice and ... brainless sometimes.
Betty became a sex bomb much earlier than Madonna or Britney Spear. In fact, she is a sex symbol even in nowadays.
I guess feminists hate Betty Boop, but I love her a lot because she is so cute and has an blatant image.
A beautiful day
This morning I went out for a walk for 20 minutes. The sun was so fierce and the skin of my arm was turning a bit darker, and then I went back home and made Jelly.
I plan to practise yoga in the afternoon.
Frankly, I should treasure the leisure time right now. It is precious to have several weeks to do 'nothing' in your life, isn't it? In Hong Kong, not many people can get into the Leisure Class. (Remember that I complaint a lot about my busy bee life in blog previously). Now I have time for reading, music and exercise. Even though I am alone but I am not lonely. Should also thanks to the internet, now I can connect with my friends and family through instant messager and email. I could chat with them anytime.
Should try to keep the good mood!! I also wish you to have a great day.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Beauty products freak
I should cut back this habit before having any economic blunder!!!
However, if you haven't decided any gift for my son yet, why don't you consider buying me some beauty products?? You know, the best way to treat the kid is to indulge his/her mother!!!!
Well, I am just kidding. However, seriously, I did pack a cosmetic set in my hospital bag, I don't want to look dull after the delivery.
Gosh, how can I have all these strange ideas emerge in my mind????? By the way, when can I wear nail polish???
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Gift for my mother
I've also prepared another surprised gift for her, even though she asked me not to waste the money to buy her any present. It is a nail manicure set I bought from Anna Sui, which has a bottle of base coat, two bottles of nail polish and a tube of hand cream. Wow, I also want to receive this gift.
As my mommy is almost the only person to do housework throughout the years, this is really a great gift to pamper her hands, hope she will love it.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
我的夢想 - 辦雜誌
現在已沒有轉入這行的興致了。但是,當我在Princess Secret Diary - Seventh Heaven中看到Mia及Lily投稿到Sixteen Magazine但被拒絕,Lily便提議他們自行辦文學雜誌時,我有點共鳴感,因為我曾經也有這股念頭。在我的雜誌裡,會有隨筆散文、扮靚情報、人類學/社會學專題研究、讀者來稿、書評/影評等等。當然,夢想歸夢想,我那兒來精力耐力財力去做呢?
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Plump up your lips
They are in the forms of lip sticks or lip treatments. What you need to do is simply applying them and your pout will be plumped up. That means, everyone can have Angelina Jolie's lips!!!
However, the research found that the pop-out effect is actually done by the substance which irritating the skin and caused the bee-sting look, especially for those treatments than can achieve instant effect.
It won't cause any bad damage, but the substances may lead to allergic skin to some people. In the product test, a respondent even stated that the after-use feeling was unpleasant and it was like a dentist anaesthetic wear-off.
Anyway, if you are a lip plumper to-die-for, I think it is still worth to try. After all, the effect is just the same as what your lips look after eating chili!!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Designcode Concept - shopping for accessories

Hi folks, my sister has established a design room for the trendiest accessories, visit her on-line shop to accessorize yourself!!!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Domestic goddess vs. Domestic helper
This is my first time to be an employer. Frankly, I feel a bit awkward to ask her to do the work, but I think I could manage it well soon.
I always believe my mom is a super woman. She took care of me and my sister, and did all housework at the same time when we were really young, she got no help from another one, but she can still made everything perfectly. When we were a bit older, she went out for work again but still did most of the housework after work. Mom is a very energetic woman, she never complaint about her double workload. She is a truly 'Domestic Goddess'!
Undeniably me and my sister are spoiled, now we are not good at housework, my cooking skill is even awful, my parent always said, 'work hard on your study and you can get a good job and find someone to do the housework for you....'
yes, I worked hard at school, but sometimes I think my mommy is more brilliant than me in certain aspect. Mommy, I'm proud of you. Hopefully I will become a new mother on or before this mother's day!!!!!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Be nice to yourself
We used to being critical and dissatisfied to ourselves. There is a little exercise she suggested to readers - Try to list five things that you are proud of yourself, then you will feel very good and become more cheerful and confidence.
I am sure you have more than five things to be proud of!!!!!
White Rabbit Strawberry Candy
Friday, April 28, 2006
Quality of life
In last few years, 'quality of life!' is a slogan for something in Hong Kong , I can't remember clearly.
Then I find someone demonstrates this lifestyle in a hybrid and sophisticated way! This Wednesday, Ju and I met our famous ex-colleague in MTR station.
As usual, he wore branded outfit with the finest quality and appeared in front of us 'sparklingly'. He's carrying a bottle of red wine and a box of roast pork. This chubby guy, who was described as 'so hip, so funky' by our boss, told us that he was going to have roast pork with red wine for the dinner.
Wow, really hip, really funky.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
2nd Anniversary
We always say technology 'contributes' the isolation between people. However, this blog culture brings me and my secondary school friends back together. Now, we check each others' blog from time to time to get the update. I should thank Billie and Grace again for launching a gathering for Form 1 Martha girls several months ago.
I always wish to make my blog more fancy but simple. I search for stylish templates on internet but it is very hard to get the one I love. If you have any recommendation, please let me know. Thanks a lot!!
Alright, time for yoga. Wish you have a nice weekend ahead. Sun is shining outside!!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Lovely bracelet
Mom showed me the bracelet my sister made for me for my birthday present. It's so cute, which is made of beads, pearls and laces. I feel that I am a blissful sister!!
Thanks my dearest sister!!
Friday, April 14, 2006
The Joy of Doing Thing Badly

Currently I am reading another delicious book, 'The Joy of Doing Things Badly' from Veronica Chambers.
Veronica wishes to tell women how to live their lives happier and enjoy every moment for themselves, not only try to follow others' expectation.
I should admit that I picked this book because I was attracted by the illustration on book cover. Well, I am that shallow, so what!!! =)
I am already in the half way of this book within one week, I guess I could finish it before my maternity leave.
Pamper myself

After a busy working week, I wanna pamper myself with a little beauty booster.
I had a crazy shopping in Benefit Cosmetic this morning.
I am a fan of Bathina collection of this brand, but I didn't own any single product from this line before. Today, as I determined to reward myself in my birthday month, I bought Body So Fine - a fragrant velvet body balm, which I wished to own since I found it in the Duty Free shop of Guam 5 years ago.
The sexy case itself has already captures my heart. This body balm with flirtatious scent can make my skin luminous and leaves the softest touch I have ever experienced. Surely this is one of the best body care items to indulge myself.
I just have a crazy thought, I wish to apply the balm all over my body right before I am going to deliver my baby... Not sure if my baby loves the lovely scent? hahahah!
Cost: HK$300
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

Have just finished a marketing book - Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout. It brings a very precise message: in this overcommunicated society, the name of the new game is 'positioning'. This is not about what is the product, it is about how does it locate in the prospect's mind.
Positioning can sketch outside the economic regime. For example, a church, a politician, a country and even yourself need positioning.
What is the positioning of Hong Kong? Remember the slogan from Tourist Board? "Hong Kong - City of life"...
Well, if you ask me what is the first word come to my mind when I see this slogan, my answer is "doubt".
Isn't it? To get a good place in prospect's mind, the position should help you to differentiate from others. However, did Tourist Board assume that other cities are life-less and dumb?
Let me think about how to re-position the territory. Say, air pollution is something that tourists love (just an example, don't take it serious), and Hong Kong gets the pollution level that no other Asian cities can reach, we can promote the territory in this way: "Hong Kong - A Polluted Jungle!". Then the description could be: Wanna challenge your respiratory system? The visibility of Hong Kong can be less than 1m in almost 4 months a year, come and experience such special suffocated feeling....'
Well, I am just kidding. But I would recommend this book to you, especially for marketing people.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The Princess Diaries - Seventh Heaven

Oh great!!!!!!!!!!! The seventh The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot is released. I just couldn't wait and after I saw it in the first sight, I picked it up and paid it straight away.
However, it is too expensive actually. It costs $136.4 in Page Two bookstore, quite unreasonable, actually...... Grace, how much does it cost in Italy? People always say books in Hong Kong are expensive because here is a 'cultural desert'.
For those interested to know more about Princess Mia, recommend you to check
I will read this book during my maternity leave!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Prima Donna
Prima donna is the nick name of Jelly gave to that girl. He told me that she was disrepectful to him.
Well, human relationship and office politics are the most difficult subjects in the workplace. All those technical things and professional skills could be learnt through trainings and get the experience from time to time. How to manage a well-balanced relationshp with others could hardly be taught though.
I still believe if you have a good personality could overcome most of the difficulties, and not taking everything too serious will make yourself happier.
Book, I'm loving it!!
I also like people who read books, usually they are less ego-centric and humble. Jeff is one of them.
If I haven't read any thing for several days, I will feel that I lose something.
I wsih Jeff and I can have a reading room one day!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
For me, I think this is a big loss of the company.
I don't spend much time with him before, but I think he is a very good teacher. Everytime when you talk with him, you could get some learning.
He knows I feel perplexing of my pregnancy and the parenthood, then he encouraged me to relax, have a baby, take care of the baby, and work as best as I can. Jimmy reminded me I am not working for others' comment on me, I am working for myself.
Right, I am living for myself.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Life Stage
At that time, she hanged around with friends every night and indulged in drinking and clubbing. For her, as described by her friends, 'those were the great days.'
I do believe your life will be more interesting if you have a period totally belonged to yourself and did whatever you want, no matter it is a good or bad experience. After all, this is a chance to experience your life in different way.
My 'great' (or messy is the much more appropriate adjective in my case) days were in age 19-20. I had a lousy freshman year in University. I skipped lessons and went discos every weekend (I won't mention much here as I worry my daddy will read this diary), I felt ecstatic sometimes and totally in depression in another moment. Technically speaking, I was losing in a maze. Then one day, I woke up, I didn't want to be lousy anymore, I wanted a new life, then I tried to work hard again and altered my life style totally.
I still believed that it is worth to be a naughty person in one point in your life, just don't go too far. As you are getting older, you have more responsibilities; you do not afford to be naughty anymore.
For me, I think my life won't be that completed if I did not go through that period. In my childhood, my parents set lot of strict rules for me; I try to be a nice girl simply because I should follow their instruction. After those great days, now I try to be a nice and stable person because this is what I myself aiming at!!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Happy Hour
Seems that all of us got an intention to quit the current job, each of us got our own reasons. After the discussion, I had a thoughtful retrospect of my career development.
To be frank, I guess I like the job nature of market research more than I supposed to be. I told the girls that I didn't dislike the field, but it didn't mean I love this job so much. However, when I think about which industry I should dive into in my next job, I just discover that I don't want to give up what I had learnt in market research.
It is similar to the situation that you learn the fundmental courses 1001 and 1002 for certain subject, you want to complete the whole module because only 1003 and 1004 had left. You know that after that you could be a qualified researcher with a handful of experience.
Well, the point is, if I love this industry, should I stay in the current firm or jump to another company? I just don't know!! Job changing can be very perplexing for a pregnant woman. Anyway, let's the fortune guides me.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Not yet burn out
I am in my cubicle and sinking into my chair. Today is happy Friday and now is about 5:00pm, I just don’t want to start any new job.
In this last trimester of the pregnancy, I have heart burn always. However, by comparing with other expectant mothers, I suffer lesser.
Well, but you really cannot feel good if you baby keeps kicking and pushing up your inner organs all the time.
The weather is getting warmer, hopefully the spring really arrives, I don’t want to wear those big coats and jackets anymore.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Social class
Besides, it also means a new dimension of hierarchy will emerge - the grass-root class and the elite class amongst the young or junior research executives.
I haven't studied management before, but I truly believe this will lead to turmoil if they insist to launch this planning. The worst case is, those who haven't been chosen will feel they are unimportant to the company and leave, and those who have been picked cannot bear the much heavier pressure and workload after the training. Not to mention the 'social conflict' or 'social drama' between the groups that will be forseeable.
This is one of the silliest policies I have ever heard.