According to the column 'It's a blog world afterall' in SCMP, there are 41.5 millions blogs worldwide, in which 75,000 are being updated daily. The culture of blog developed rapidly throughout these few years.
One day my colleague asked me what I would put into my blog. For me, blog is simply an online daily where I put something I would love to with others. Truly, it won't totally reveal everything in my heart. You know, blog is very personal but also very public at the same time, everyone can access the link, it's really hard to show my life blatantly to others.
Some writers prefer to write controversial articles, usually they would receive lots of unnecessary attacks, people love to show off their excellent logical thinking and challenge the writer words by words, which is so humiliating!!
Do you love blog writing?
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
5 weeks ago