I just spent an hour to assign the categories to my previous entries in this blog - this categorizing function was just introduced in this month so I had to put back the label for each of my old post. I had just finished the latest pieces since April this year, I think it must still take some time as my diaries could be traced back to April 2004.
It is a fun work to do the categorization. I classify my articles in a special way (I think)... My categories so far include: Anthropology freak, book worm, Fragrant harbor, I'm a mama, My global village, Precious Moment, Really a big deal, Whatever, Working bee and Wow something new. I think they sounds really cool (or weird?? or just nothing special?? Never mind)
Remember that I had studied one school of thought in Anthropology class - Structuralism, which was introduced by a guy called Claude Levi Strauss, he set up a model to study Myth across cultures... His theory may not be totally relevant to this post, but he reminded me about the structure of human's cognitive thinking, I can find out how I perceive my world simply by the classification I use in my blog.
Seems that my life consists of the above sections - Precious Moment is actually the prime part, it includes all the joyful experience with my love, my family, my friends, whenever and whatever, then the role of a mother is also my another identity. Working bee is also a reflection of me... 5 am proud to be a freaky anthropologist, even someone think only silly and aimless people will study this subject... And then Fragrant harbor (Hong Kong), my global village are the environment I am living in and care about. Book is an element that I cannot miss out, and from time to time, I need something new and interesting to enlighten my life.
How is your categorization look like?
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
5 weeks ago