Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have been assigned to another team in my work. I think I am the only person practicing “team-rotation” in this company.

It is good to work in a new team, which gives me more exposure, not only in research skills, but also in industries.

However, I have just heard two news will be/ may be happened in Jelly’s team. It would a tremendous structural change, or, most of the things will remain unchanged.

I don’t know. I will only know about the news in June… If the management is effective enough; but it is usually the opposite.

Anyway, now many works pile up in my desk, but I just have no mood to do……

Yesterday I started reading a book called “Letters to Sam”, the book contains letters from a paralyzed grandpa written to his autistic grandson, talking about the beauty of life. I didn’t read the book back cover carefully when I bought it. I have read around 4-5 letters last night, the stories fill with genuine beauty but also tears, they give people good lesson but I think this book is not a good choice as a bed-time reading, at least to me.

I better pick up another book from book-shelf tonight.

Monday, May 11, 2009

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拜祭親兒被阻撓,母親節也不能慶祝 ,面對手無寸鐵的老百姓,怕得任何事也控制,卻有意無意助大黑領的勢力......
