Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"True" and me and Joanna

我聽著王若琳的新碟 The Adult Storybook,那是她在亞洲巡迴演唱的紀錄。

她的 Live performance有種攝人的力量,沙啞的聲音有著滿溢的感性°當她娓娓唱著True時,我想起還是十四歲的我°

其實沒有甚麼浪漫的故事跟這首歌有關,只是當年讀Form 2的我,有一個星期五跟同學到麥記胡扯時,有兩位菲藉姐姐向我們售賣English golden oldies的錄音帶(??!!!),好像是港幣15元°我跟友人竟然各買一盒°



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Raisin Cookies Recipe With Picture - *Tested Recipe*

Raisin Cookies Recipe With Picture - *Tested Recipe*

Oh what a mouth-watering recipe. I feel more hungry after simply reading this in this late night. Now my tummy tells me my blood is lack of mid-night cookies...




<圍城>是關於一個回國的留學生方漸鴻的經歷°老實說,故事有點瑣碎,但不失趣味,充滿對讀書人諷刺和自嘲°故事重心我還是捉不緊,不過我明白是有關圍城 - 外面的人想進來,內裏的人想出來°


Monday, February 22, 2010

New mouse on the board in the year of tiger!!!

Wish you all have a fabulous new year of tiger.

During the new year holiday, a female hamster, Marshmallow Silverstone,  joined our family.  I am her main caretaker.

We choose this baby girl because Jeff wanted to make the sex ratio in our family more balanced....

Since hamsters are nocturnal animals, Ms. Silverstone is more active in the night time.  I saw her crawled over the wire cage and played the exercise wheel again and again.

What a cute babe!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

喝得苦中苦 方能去敏感



Friday, February 05, 2010

Rashes and nightmare

I had rashes since the night before yesterday.

The rashes look like mosquito bites, locate mainly at my right thighs...two on my right face.

This early morning, I had a nightmare.

I dreamed that I had got a new full time job since this Monday, then I woke up in the dream and discovered that it was already 10:30am.  I was so panicking because it was only the fifth day of this job then I was absent.  I was thinking if I should apply an annual leave or report a sick leave.  Then (still in the dream) I remembered I had rashes and it would be a good excuse to call for a sick leave.  Then I felt itchy, I woke up (no more in the dream).


Thursday, February 04, 2010

The life of a busy mom

Have had my full time mom life for a month.  It is pretty good.  At least, I got enough sleeping now.

Yesterday my helper took a half day leave in the afternoon to run some personal errands.  It was my first time to REALLY look after two babies all by myself.

I fed them and bathed them and brought them to poo poo and made them napped and cooked dinner and fed them again.  Just half day, I was totally physically exhausted.

I am so lucky because we have a helper who is really helpful.

This morning, I could not wake up until 10:30am, part of the reason was a bastard/idiot/asshole somewhere made noise in 3 something early morning and woke me up.  I guess another reason was I had been a REAL full time mom for half day.

I wholeheartedly appreciate all those REAL full time moms.