Friday, August 27, 2010

Homemade craze

Since my first purchase of homemade soap, my interest on homemade skin care revives.    This morning I mixed egg white and several drops of lemon for a skin brightening mask.  It was really fun, anything is better than having fun and improving skin condition at the same time?

The result?  Wow, my skin was softer and more vibrant!

I have bought two avocados, is going to try a DIY avocado mask! =)

Monday, August 23, 2010


I was busy in the interview room when many Hong Kong people were witnessing the real time broadcasting of the hostage crisis in Manila.  When I finished my work at 9:00pm, I checked my facebook and found my friends were grieving what had happened. 

My heart was pounding quick, I was very shocked even I just browsed the messages of my friends in facebook, I though I would have cried if I watched the real time broadcasting.

When I watched the news report, I couldn't breathe.  How could this be happened?

We felt extremely sad, and it was the first time I felt I loved Hong Kong people that much.

If there is God, please bless the hostages, those are alive and in the heaven.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Colours flutter around my eyes

To me, buying make up products is an addiction.  I just cannot resist the excitement to experience how the shimmers and colours beautifying myself.  Every new product is an adventure to me, you do not know the result until you truly apply it on your skin.

Sofina ABUE couture designing shine eyes
I seldom use eye shadow palate.  Several weeks ago, when I walked past Sofina, I saw this brown tone palate.  I love nude make up and I usually apply a sheer of light brown eye shadow on my eyelids, it makes me look fresh but cannot bring glamorousness. Therefore, when I discovered the eye colours in this set with a dose of fine silver glitters, I decided to give it a shot.

The result?  After several practices, I can make a more defined and glamorous eye make up. 

Kanebo Lunasol 2010 eye colours

Actually this Kanebo Lunasol 2010 eye colours set was owned by my sister.  She gave me  because she seldom used it.  I have never tried Kanebo before, because I always thought this brand was for 'Kawaii' girls instead of me.  However, when I used it first time, I fell in love with it immediately.  The sheer and light texture of the colours brighten my eyes subtly.  My most favorite colour in this set is pink, it doesn't make my eyes look swollen, instead, it adds a babyish pinkish on my skin. I couldn't believe how user-friendly it.  

 These two eye colour palates are my most often used items in this summer, and I believe even in Autumn.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Being a stay home mom and a freelancer

It had been already eight and a half months of being a stay home mom and a freelancer.  I am getting used to this living style.  Despite sometimes I would still worry about my career development and had a dose of anxiety of my self identity, that 'sometimes' is getting less frequent than the first quarter.

A coin has two faces, whatever you choose, you still need to pay an opportunity cost.  This is the most fundamental rule in Microeconomics.  You should pay an opportunity cost because you have choices.  And, you know what, it is very lucky that you have choices.  Many people live the way and they are suffering from it because they have no choices, they are trapped.

Several days ago I reviewed my previous entries (how weird I am, wakakakak), one entry is about quarterly age crisis.  There are many girls who are crisis chicks, that means they suffer from quarterly age crisis.  One of the obvious evidence that a person has this 'syndrome' is she worries always she would make a wrong decision that would screw up her life.  I joked that I had this exact characteristic.

I am 33 year-old, interesting, that kind of anxiety does not bother me as much as before, if not anymore.  I am more confident to make a decision and more adventurous to try new things.  It is because I believe there should not be any wrong decision if you make it with second thought, and no one knows what a choice end up leads you to, or, I should put it in this way, you are mainly the one who lead your life to, not a choice itself.

I treasure my time being with my kids, they need me so much.  I am glad that I can give them both time and love during the period they need me most.  What is more, I have more time for myself, to understand myself.  It sounds ridiculous that I don't understand myself enough, but it did!

Thanks the technology, it is good for me to have a space to share my happiness with you!  Cheers! 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Jeff & Gloria's restaurant

Linguine with pesto sauce
Shrimp cocktail
Cream & tomato soup
Salome & fish rod Japanese rice
Boule de Neige (almond cookies)
Home made chocolate ice-cream

I felt so satisfied last night.

Jeff and I had made a big fat dinner with our family last night.  We held this party for no specific reasons.  Life is worth to celebrate, isn't it?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Belly dance lesson

There will be another belly dance class tomorrow, am feeling excited, just couldn't wait!!!

Being an anthropology graduate (My professor said I was qualified as an anthropologist already?!!), I have interest to experience other cultures always.  Learning belly dance opens a door for me to have a peek of Egyptian culture.  I have never been Africa, and I am not sure when I would have a chance, nevertheless, I am lucky enough to be living in Hong Kong, I have many opportunities to learn foreign things even just staying here.

Besides, belly dancing is a very good exercise, it shapes my body line and tone my abs!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


我讀大學時擁有一瓶Body ShopWhite musk eau de toilette, 相信很多女生也擁有過. White Musk有種清雅的香氣, 含蓄細緻, 總讓灑上它的人多潻幾分氣質. 據知, Body Shop推出該香薰系列已經超過廿五年歷史.

出來工作後, 買過很多其他牌子的香水產品, Chanel, Dior, Anna Sui, Stella McCartney, Fresh, Laura Mercier, Marc Jacob, 慢慢忘掉了White Musk的味道.

七月份, 我感冒了整個月, 嗅覺也改變. 不想沾上任何香水. 當病好後, 我就開始掛念White musk的香氣. 這真是一種很奇怪的反應.

昨天跟妹妹逛街, 見到Body Shop, 二話不說便走進去. White Musk的產品以淡紫色為主調, 整齊有致排列在架上. 這次我選了Perfume oil. 少女時期總覺得成熟女人才會用Perfume oil, 我想我已到了這年紀.

比較其他品牌, 這瓶Perfume oil價錢非常相宜, 才二百多元. 瓶身設計較簡樸, 是一個淡紫色的瓶子, 上面利落地印上產品名稱及資料. 不過, 我還是喜歡以前的玻璃瓶子設計.


Saturday, August 07, 2010


前天送Lucassummer course, 目睹一名家長向老師大聲疾呼地投訴另一小孩, 因為那小孩推倒他的兒子兩次. 那件事不重要, 我想說是它讓我想起我小學一個男生. 別誤會, 這可不是一個愛情故事.

就叫那男生做Y! 他坐在與我有一走廊相隔的左邊. Y留著漫畫牛仔般的留海髮型, 在黑色粗框眼鏡後的眼睛, 閃爍著一種難以捉摸的詭異光芒.

有一段時間, 他常常在沒有問過我的情況下, 取去我桌上的文具使用. 雖然他用後會放回原位, 但我對他這行為有點莫名的不耐煩.

 一有天, 我告訴媽媽有關Y的事, 甚至誇張地說他這舉動影響我上課集中精神. 媽媽萬分緊張我的學業, 所以一聽到「影響我上課集中精神」, 便說要跟老師投訴Y. 我當時有點意外, 覺得用不著投訴, 但對媽媽的决定, 又沒有多大反應.

結果, 媽媽投訴了! 當天, 班主任上課前, 喚了坐在我左邊的Y及右邊的男生到她跟前, 然後問我誰常常擅自取我的文具用, 我說是Y. 在我步回自己座位那一刻, 我開始感到極度內疚. 班主任告訴Y我媽媽投訴他, 並狠狠責備他一頓. 全班鴉雀無聲, 我替Y感到極度難過, 覺得他不應受這樣的懲罰. 小朋友事應小朋友了, 我應跟Y直接說出自己不滿, 不是跟媽媽投訴.

幸好, Y受責備後沒有惱我, 反而學會先懲求我的同意才用我的東西.

我跟Y六年都是同班. 他是高材生, 每次考試例必三甲. 還記得有天上健教堂, 老師談起人要培養健康嗜好, 並問同學有甚麼嗜好.問到Y, 他說最愛「諗嘢」, 心邪的男同學問他「做咩諗嘢」……六年級寫紀念冊, Y在我的紀念冊上「我的偶像」一欄填上「愛因思坦」……他眼睛那種難以捉摸的詭異光芒, 應該是從「諗嘢」中產生!