Friday, November 26, 2010

BABIES!!!!!! (Episode 2)

當我發現自己做了granny,心情很激動. 謝菲說米已成炊了,還是省點力,明天才算罷!

我睡不著.半夜爬了起床,走去Google search倉鼠生B的資料.有些資料建議鼠媽生產後立刻將爸爸分籠(朋友在facebook回覆也是一樣),目的是防止鼠媽再懷孕(鼠媽可在24小時內再有喜,真是好生養. 不過,立即懷孕會很影響鼠媽的健康).每一胎可以生產1至15隻.




謝菲建議找人領養鼠BB,我心裏不捨得,但又擔心沒能力養,便去問了一間寵物屋. 寵物屋說他們不會收購.我覺得自己像貪財的賣孫婆婆,但是心裏有一點歡喜,因為鼠BB可以留在我家多一段時間了! 我跟店員解釋我的情況,因為不知鼠鼠是一男一女,所以有了鼠BB後完全不懂怎麼做.


至於鼠爸,店員說若它不咬BB,就儘量不要驚動它罷. 坦白說,那時我仍分不出誰是鼠爸進是鼠媽!



Thursday, November 25, 2010

What am I doing?

I am just a stupid idiot! How come I care a friend so much who didn't care me when I became a mother, did not invite me to her wedding ceremony, and when I am bringing along a pack of baby's clothes which weighted five pounds, plus a pre Christmas gift for her baby, and almost reach her home, she just text my phone that the visit should be cancelled????

Lesson: don't care too much about whom don't really be serious to you.

Thanksgiving day

Today is Thanksgiving day.  Lucas's kindergarten requested children to bring along dried food, such as biscuits, noodles and rice to school.  Santa helpers would then collect them and send to a Christian association, which would distribute the food to the needy.

I packed a pack of Japanese rice, some Oreo chocolate cookies, and biscuits we bought in Okinawa.  Lucas had brought them to school this morning.  Hope these little gifts can bring happiness to people who need help during this festive season.

Thanks Lucas's school for arranging this event.  Joy to the world!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

BABIES!!!!! (Episode 1)

這絕對是值得記下的一件事! 一件有點滑稽的事!








Thursday, November 18, 2010


I asked Lucas casually that if he had kissed his girlfriend Christy in school.

The reason I asked him from time to time is because I am not sure if he dares to do it, as an extremely shy boy like him.

Despite he is extremely shy, his teacher told me he was very popular among his classmates.  We are a bit confused.....

Anyway, he demonstrated to me how he kissed Christy.

He walked to me, put his hands on my shoulders, and then gently touched the corner of my lips by his.

Wow, a four years old boy can do it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hello Kitty壽司飯


這天到了City Super,又見到那個可愛的Hello Kitty壽司飯模°我每次經過總看它一眼,心思思想帶回家,但HK$189真的有點貴,又怕很難使用° 終於,在弟弟附和之下,我們買了這可愛的模具回家°

今午的午餐豐富得很,這Hello Kitty壽司飯內有甜蛋,牛肉,新鮮粟米,三文魚籽,紫菜等°雖然兩位小B最終不是吃很多,但也告訴我這個Kitty很美味!


Hello Kitty Sushi Rice