Wednesday, January 19, 2011


曾經看過一篇文章,附有一幀相片,有些小數民族的女孩子用布蓋著自己面孔,不願被遊客影相°可惜,那些遊客沒有理會,大剌刺地,走到她們跟前不斷拍照,希望在布與布中間窺探她們的美貌,及滿足他們當名攝影師的幻想° 別人的感受? 管他的!  文章也有提及當地有些孩子很不願被拍照,他們哭起來,那些「名攝影師」卻視若無睹,繼續瘋狂按制…..

看罷這篇報導,很無奈,很憤怒! 隨著數碼相機出現,相片變得越來越廉價°廉價,不只是它的成本,更加是它背後的意義,及攝影師對被攝者的尊重°

不久前,我們一家到商場去° 帶著兩個男孩子去shopping其實是一件難事,很難要求他們看著你買東西°謝菲很細心,他讓我看己到一店內逛,他獨自看管著小朋友°


我立刻跑出店外,見到弟弟大發脾氣,在地上打轉,不肯起來° 謝菲不理他,不讓步,要他冷靜° 我再看到不遠處有群人,廿多三十多歲,有些指著弟弟訕笑° 我不以為然,但當我見到兩個人在舉起相機影相,再笑笑口看著playback,我立即怒火中燒°  我跑到弟弟前,抱起他,喝令他停止,我再掃視那干人等° 他們不是傻,完全收到我的訊息,雙手離開相機,裝作沒事發生°

坦白說,我當時真的有摔破他們相機的衝動°任何人也不喜歡在心情差透時被拍照° 更不用說是被一些不懷好意的陌路人拍照…..

昨天我也跟表妹在討論對相機的看法° 現在影相太容意,我們開始不用眼,不用腦,只用鏡頭和SD card°這樣令我們錯過了真實的感受°

還記得哥哥與其他小朋友在Christmas performance,很多家長也舉起相機,場面有點亂.一位老師走到台前,請影相的人走到觀眾席後排,以免妨礙別人. 她再補充一句:"But I am sure the performance you see from your eyes would be totally different from those videos and photos." 



Wednesday, January 12, 2011



Friday, January 07, 2011

Mezzi Rigatoni

After What French Women Know, written by Debra Ollivier, I would love to explore the French culture deeper, then I selected French Women in All Seasons by Mireille Guiliano.

I did not know French Women in All Seasons is a book with recipes of many seasonal dishes, as I hadn't read the book description carefully before I clicked the button at Kindle online bookstore.  It surprised me when I found them out.

Based on the book, I know how to cook shallots and fennels with pasta, the two ingredients I had never used before.  I have tried them for the lunch for my kids today.  I made Mezzi Rigatoni with steak, and I added garlic, shallots, fennels, mushrooms and thymes into the pasta.

My two boys prefer Chinese and Japanese cuisines more but they could still clean up their plate today. , they said mezzi rigatoni were tunnels.

Thursday, January 06, 2011


The dates of Lucas's interviews are coming closer, I am getting more nervous.

Add oil Lucas!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Good mood

This is the second school day of Linus.  It seems he can totally adapt to the new environment.

Now I have more me-time in the morning.  This morning I had practiced yoga.  Exercise does lift up my mood.  I feel more healthy and relaxing.

Will have job on Jan 17-20, very good.

Monday, January 03, 2011

2011 New Year Resolutions

Okay, since we are in the new year, we have to set the New Year Resolutions, otherwise it doesn't feel like a new year. Right?

Anyway. I used to have a long list of New Year Resolutions every year, frankly, I tried to achieve most of them and  I did make some of them.  However, in 2011, I would like to give myself more DIRECTIONS instead of A to-do list.

I have two directions for the new year, I want to be more cheerful and adventurous. That is!

Thanks for your attention, Manki.


201111,謝菲建議行山,家人朋友一呼十多應. 11,大家在大埔滘自然保護區前的涼亭集合. 就在等人的時候,Linus弟弟跑來跑去, 突然在涼亭前跌倒,右面面頰撞向亭前階級.

,是「紅」運當頭的由來. 我抱起弟弟時,他的面血如泉湧,張口大哭,滿口是血.




