Thursday, May 26, 2011




有新工作了,是寫report,賺到的錢要買一部coffee maker給謝菲!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Somewhere over the rainbow

A beautiful rainbow appeared across the sky last evening.  When I see in the picture I had taken, I found there were double rainbows!!!  A faint bigger rainbow was at the top of the smaller one, which I could not seen by my naked eyes or I just omitted it.  It is really a rare view in Hong Kong.  As I remember, it was my first time to witness such wonderful rainbows in my life.

I brought the boys to rush downstairs when I spotted the rainbow, the boys were exciting.  We stared at it until it faded away.  

While we were walking back home, I was holding Linus, he rested his head on my shoulder and said 'I miss rainbow!!'

Wednesday, May 04, 2011




理論上,你跟阿仔阿女吃午餐可叫做「親子午餐」, 如果你們是住在同一屋詹下,這間屋可說成「親子屋」.....

它可以是一種商業活動°「親子」配合一個名詞後,便能成為無限商機°對不起,我舉得例子又是 「親子唱遊班」,「親子遊學團」,「親子興趣班」等等°

我覺得「親子outward bound 」或「親子獨立生活能力訓練營」等課程會有很大的market,有沒有人想投資我這個concept?







Tuesday, May 03, 2011

What do the children learn from school

The kids resume their school today.

During lunch time, I talked to Lucas, who was at my right hand side.

'Do you feel happy at school today?'
'Yes' he said.
'What did you learn from school today then?'

I was shocked and felt hilarious.  Then I replied, 'do you mean waste recycling?'  I guess his school was teaching environmental protection.

Yes was his answer, but actually I don't know if it is true or not, but I guess he is too young to criticize the school teaching him rubbish....

Post Easter holiday

Finally the Easter holiday of the kids is over.  I can have my quiet 'me' time again in the morning.

We had been Sabah for six days.  I thought it was just a place with beaches and resorts, but I was wrong.  It is a place with diversified landscapes and entertainments, a place which has colonial characteristic without losing its indigenous uniqueness.  The eco-tourism is well-developed there, all the natural spots opened for tourists are well preserved.

The weather was extremely hot, but we enjoyed the time there.  

We are planning to explore another continent in our next trip.  =)
A spectacular scene we can see from the balcony of our hotel room