Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spider web

Can you see a cloudy substance in the middle of this photo?  Guess what?  It was a complex, three-dimensional spider web weaved outside my reading room.  The creator was a not-so-nice-looking spider, with black and brown strips at all its legs (the tiny brownish spot in the middle).  It built this marvelous construction over a night.

I felt amazed by this scene.  That explained why recently not a single mosquito sneaking into our flat, I bet no flying objects could escape from this high-tech trapping system.  We should thank this Mr. Spider.  I was also grateful that it chose our windows to build his cozy home.  We didn't know each other but we share the same space.  Isn't it amazing?

However, this morning, one week after the web was constructed, it disappeared totally, without a trace.  I wonder if Mr. Spider had suddenly packed up the web into his petit backpack and started the journey to another destination.  You should have at least wave me goodbye, you know?

Anyway, Mr. Spider, bon voyage!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


混亂的定義 你在封塵的CD架上找到中學時買下的Highlights from The Phantom of the Opera,然後高采烈拿去播放。但當一開CD盒時,你看到卻是極粗眉的吳鎮宇,黃子華和張達明。。。原來那是鬚根Show 3DVD。那反高潮促使你心裏駡了一聲媽的。

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stylish Linus

Linus loves beautiful things, he appreciates elegance and delicacy.

I sprayed on a few drops of Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere this morning. When I walked pass Linus, he said 'mmm... I smell something really nice, what is that?'

My boy!! xxx

Monday, May 07, 2012

