Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Oh Christmas wreaths

I have made totally SIX Christmas wreaths this year.

What a crazy person I am.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Hurray! I have finished the French exam

J'ai une bonne nouvelle!  The French exam was done.

Feel very tired about the 1 hour exam.  Not sure if I can pass it but I feel relieved!! Hopefully I can pass it then I can attend the next level of lecon de Francais!!

My dream is I can speak and write sarcasm in French one day.  If you can speak or write sarcasm by a language, that means you excel that language.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Impulse hilking

After the impulse-4-hour-hiking last Sunday suggested by my hubby, I had serious muscle pain the next day.

My hubby asked me to have treadmill running to alleviate the pain, 'you know, running helps your blood circulation and the pain will be gone after that.' I followed suit.

Then I did not only have muscle pain but also could barely walk afterward.  I don't know why I trust him all the time instead of my own common sense.....

Wednesday, November 27, 2013





Friday, November 22, 2013

Running shoes

I have started running since last month, I run two to three times a week in gym room, 20-40 minutes each time.  It is very effective, finally I get slimmer especially my legs.

Recently, Papa Jeff bought me a pair of new running shoes.  I love them a lot.

Will keep this habit!

Monday, November 04, 2013

A burnt out soul

I am totally burnt out recently.  Being a mom is a really tough job.  The toughest part is you cannot take a break and you cannot quit.

I know I have no right to blame.  Being a mom is a bless, it is a very unique and precious experience, and it provides you the satisfaction that no paid job can give you. (In another way round, you will never be paid or promoted, have you ever heard the titles or Chief Domestic Engineer or Mothering Director?)

Nonetheless, sometimes I do wish I have a chance to take a long breathe.

Thanks god I am still interested in shopping and reading and piano and learning French, otherwise I have no doubt that I have depression.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Spooky Garfield!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013




Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cooler weather

Surprisingly, the weather is getting dryer and windier by the mid of September this year.  Autumn has practically disappeared in Hong Kong, but it seems coming back this year.

Yes, the temperature is still very high during daytime, but we feel very comfortable in morning and evening.  The temperature drops below 30c.

I have a mood to buy some flowers back home.

Lovely measuring cup

We found this set of measuring cup in a bird theme shop in Sai Kung. The birds are super cute and incorporated two elements I love a lot - floral print and chubby look!!
These two bird are also very practical and handy. They help me to do measuring for simple recipes such as homemade playdough.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Several days ago, I was being scolded by a family member in whatsapp. He is practically our highness in our family.

I praised my nephew in order to comfort him, then our highness scolded me.  He picked me because I am the youngest, I guess.

I was very furious but I spent time to polish my reply before I clicked the arrow.  I told him the intention of my message, I told him I had no mean to frustrate him. I said I apologise if my praise offended him.  (It sounds ridiculous as it can be, isn't it).

Our highness then replied he was not offended then changed the topic.

I know you cannot choose your family members, but it doesn't mean someone can hurt others whenever he wants to.

This is a display of unfairness.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

the perks of being a wallflower

I saw this book written by Stephen Chbosky in a bookstore.  Love the cover, then just bought it in a second.

I enjoyed reading it.  It reminds me all the perplexing and complicated feelings when I was in adolescence.

Charlie, is a high school boy in early 90s.  If he is a real person, he is a few years older than me, that means we are practically in the same generation.  I guess it is the cultural difference (or just me), Charlie seems to have a more dramatic school life than me, mine is much more simple.  I grew up in a girls' school, our school is smaller, I guess.  Most of us did not have drug problem, we did not drive, we did not go parties which always show in Hollywood films, where people always get stoned or drunken or make out in bedroom.  Yet, I understand how he felt.   It was definitely a poetic, yet miserable period of a person's life.

Sometimes, growing up is not fun, it can be struggling and painful, but a comfortable life is boring.  The most important thing is, we can make choice of our path, we are the person who decide who we are, and how we live.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


我和弟弟經過Giogio Armani,見到poster上的唇膏很美,問他我買一支好不好。想不到他竟然說「你唔好 嘥錢買嘢!」


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


弟弟很可愛,見到好天,他會說:It's a beautiful day! 我想是老師Mrs. F教他的。
人越大,越明白Abraham Maslow所說的真善美層。美的事就在我們身邊垂手可得:鳥兒的叫聲,蝴蝶在花間飛舞,一杯香滑雪糕。。。只可惜,人心很易被蒙蔽,生活有時太累人,人們很多時也看不見這些美好事。



「媽媽,」他說, 「我有個願望,就是我可到世界各地種很多樹,樹就會吸收過多的二氧化碳,我們便可阻止地球暖化囉!」


Sunday, May 26, 2013


在公共圖書館找到一本很棒的兒童圖畫書﹣ 巴斯拉圖書館員。

這是發生在美伊戰爭時,伊拉克巴斯拉的真人真事。2003年戰火延至巴斯拉, 圖書館長愛莉亞擔心圖書會被毀掉。政府不予幫忙,她卻靠著自己,鄰居和朋友,在圖書館被炸毀前搶救館內三萬多本圖書。其中一本是有七百年歷史的默罕默德傳。


讀完故事後,我到網上查閱這故事的發展。令人鼓舞的是, 這圖書館2004年10用重新開放, 愛莉亞再次成為這圖書館的館長。

書中最使我感動的一幅圖畫, 就是愛莉亞夢想自己泛舟河上,享受著和平的寧靜。


Sunday, May 05, 2013

Birthday party organized by my family

Thsee are the birthday cakes of me and my sis in law Candy. My family ororganized the party for us yesterday.  We received kisses from all children. It was so sweet!!
I love you all!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Korean make up style

I was not a fan of Korean make up until I met these two books.

They are from a Korean girl called Pony.  I was amazed that she is the one who truly 'created' them.  She was not only modelled and demonstrated all looks, but also the one who 'created' all these looks - she herself is a make up artist.

Pony provides many magic tips which I had never tried before, and the steps are very easy to follow.  For example, dabbing a thin layer of beige eyeshadow right below your lower eyelashes then you would look radiant and younger, or, applying blush as an inverted triangle on your cheeks can make your face look smaller.

What you need are several items in your fingertips (or already in your cosmetic bags, such as beige and brown eyeshadow, an eyeliner, a blush, a mascara, a lipstick, then you can also create 10 different daily/evening looks.

Highly recommend!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

My favourite foundation

I have used BB cream for several months. It is convenient but neither transparent nor radiant enough.  Therefore I switch back to foundation at weekdays, only use BB cream when I go out outdoor with mascara and lipgloss on my face.

I used Kanebo Lunasol foundation before, I love it's sheer effect.  Then I tried other brands but not as good as Lunasol, so I decide to give it a try again this season.
Lunasol launched 'Skin Modeling Liquid Foundation' this S/S.  Compares with the old tube I bought in winter several years ago, I feel its mattifying effect without compromising the smoothness. I feel very comfortable with it on my face.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Humid days

The weather in HK isn't really good recently, humid, lack of sun, the temperature fluctuates between 23 to even up to 27 Degree Celsius, but I try my best to enjoy everyday.

I walked up the hill this morning.  Yes, the atmosphere filled with tiny water droplets, which make people's skin sticky, but I could still enjoy some cool breezes.  The haze enveloped the city last two days starts to diminish, birds sing loudly at tree crowns.

Lucas performed in a drama after school yesterday.  He had done very good job.  I am really proud of him.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013



A healthy day

Jeff and I went for cycling at 9am something, right after we sent the kids to school.

We cycled for around 40 minutes.  The feeling was awesome and relaxing.  I then went straight home and practiced piano for one hour.

Isn't it a great day?

It would be a busy afternoon and evening coming up.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What a great day

Both of my boys resume school today.  The old solitude morning returns, welcome!

I'd practice piano for 45 minutes, followed with a walk to the hillside, then relaxed at home, read Cath Kidston - Tips for Vintage Style.

What a beautiful day.  Simple is truly beautiful.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Comedy sit-com freak

By the way, when I was in the flight from Osaka to HK, I watched 8 episodes of 3 comedy TV series, 4 from Anger Management, 3 from 2 Broke Girls, and 1 from The Office.

Jeff said I laughed crazily in my tiny flight seat, I believe I also drew someone's attention from the roll across the aisle, because I felt someone were peeking at what I was watching.

It is quite a good ways to kill three hours in a plane.

Living at the moment

Just came back from Japan, had stayed 7 days in Osaka, Nara and Kyoto for a sakura-seeing trip.  A beautiful journey.

Since we have stayed with the boys for a whole week, literally 24x7, Jeff and I gave ourselves a child-free break yesterday.  We went for a tea in a posh cafe, then we bought a bouquet of flowers back home.

Enjoy every moment, this is what we should do.

Thursday, March 21, 2013




Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cookie memory

I dislike B.F. Skinner's behaviourism but recently I tried to apply this theory to real life.

Lucas had been preparing examination since last weekend.  He could handle the packed schedule but I  felt his stress and boredom.  Therefore I baked him some cookies, tried to associate some pleasant sensations with  his exam preparation.

Lucas even helped me out to mix all ingredients when he had a break.  Soon, a sweet aroma lingered our place, which immediately brought a broad grin across his face from ear to ear.

Very sweet!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Girl power

The gender equality improves a lot in Hong Kong in last two decades, but I can still see a lot of men who still 'inherited' their patriarchal male-dominated mind from the 19th century.  Guess what, this segment distributes across a wide age range, from 20-100 years old.

In opposite, for those who know how to appreciate the opposite gender are the ones who have strong self-image.  They don't have to belittle women to enhance (or boost) their self esteem.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Daisies in a cookie tin!

What a cute combination, daisies and this lovely cookie tin!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

White lilies

White lilies decorate my home with its elegance and sweet aroma.

One more plus, they are long lasting!  My bouquet lasts for more than a week!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We are growing cherry tomatoes!

1. Sprouts came out
2. Getting bigger

3. Getting further bigger

4. Look very crazy!!

Rose Rose

Roses, you know what?  You are beautiful.  I see the beauty of life from you!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My best skincare team!!

My skin condition was very unstable since more than a year ago after I have tried a set of home use skincare appliance.  I did not receive the result as claimed but my skin felt irritated all the time.

The condition was slightly better after I visited dermatologist several times early last year, but the irritation came back again a few months ago.  Finally I figured out the silicon-based shampoo and conditioner I used contributed to the problems as well.  The silicon became residue on my hair, which blocked the skin pore around the forehead, behind my ears and back.  GROSS!!!!

Then, I tossed them into the bin, switched to another brand.  BAM! The situation got better.

My skin is even better now as I finally find a strong skincare team I showed in this picture.  I am not a very loyal customer to skincare products, but I should seriously consider to be one.

Yes, they are quite expensive, but with these basic products, I do not need to use many masks.  Since the new year, I changed my habit, I just apply Channel CC cream, mascara, eyeliners and lipstick in my make up routine.  I skipped loose powder, eyeshadows and blush as my skin is radiant enough!!


Every time when I looked at these two pictures placed on the TV cabinet  I remind myself how blessed my life is.

When I was a teenage, I did not imagine I would have my own family.  I always thought I would be a career woman, passionate to my job and nothing else.  I did not plan to build my own nest.

Life always surprises you.  I met an adorable guy when I was 19.  We got married 10 years ago, then we had two gorgeous boys.  It was humorous that I was so shocked when I conceived Lucas and broke into tears.

Life is beautiful.  Nothing what challenges we would face, I should remind myself how blessed my life is!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Summer and the City

I thought I have quitted chicklit, but I have had not.

Look at this!  It looks really like a clutch.

What a beautiful book cover!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pretty nails


I am not a big fan of nail polish, but this bottle of 'Candy Shop' from deborah lippmann is just irresistible.  I have never seen a nail polish with so many colourful glitters before.  Matching with baby pink base colour, it is more like sprinkles on strawberry ice-cream than candy shop to me!!

It is so adorable, I applied it on both of my fingers and nails!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013



1。供詞造句: 跑步 ﹣ 
媽:come on。。。多點想像力,你可以寫我在水底裏跑步啊,不要那麼呆板。
哥哥: (臉有難色,維持「我在山上跑步。」一句。)

2。擴張句子: 弟弟在家裏。(加入事件)
哥哥:我真的不懂。。。呀! 弟弟在家裏踢球。
哥哥: 弟弟在家裏開了一間檸檬汽水店。

Monday, January 28, 2013

Super bad mood day

Sorry for blabbing and grumbling here, I have a super bad mood morning right now.

I really don't know why, maybe just lack of rest....


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

La vie en rose

I bought these flowers from the flower market, Mong Kok.  Very attractive price, HK$4 per rose!!  Of course, it should be bulk purchase, I should bought 20 roses in one bunch.

Frankly, the flower arrangement looks a bit cliche... but it is still nice.  Come on, HK$4 per flower!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Lovely flowers

Lucas chose the blue hydrangea, I like those rustic colour roses.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ballerina flats

I love ballerina flats.  They are low key, cute and elegant, never off the trend yet never hottest items, and the key point is, you should have a pair of proportional legs to wear them.

Due to my curvy body shape, I did not look very great with flats.  It was ashamed that I love them so much.  However, I get slimmer and slimmer as I am older and older, now I can wear them without looking like a fashion disaster.

Here are my four pairs of cutie shoes at home.

Frankly, I want to collect more and more and more!!! (Sounds like a pathetic shopaholic).

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Lucas這星期考試,由Christmas 假期中段開始陪他溫書。常跟自己及身邊的人說不會太擔心,但這兩天發現自己多了白頭髮⋯⋯


不過又話說回來,哥哥真是一個乖孩子,用功讀書。No pain no gain啊!

Sunday, January 06, 2013

I love Garfield

Garfield always reveals the true self of me.  This is why I like him so much.

Friday, January 04, 2013

A lovely bouquet

Linus's girlfriend M. came to our home to have a play time this afternoon.

We went to the town to buy some desserts and flowers for decoration.  I like my neighbourhood but one thing I dislike is there is lack of florists nearby.  We had not much choices but the low quality one in wet markets or unreasonably expensive one in the shopping malls.

Since we were lazy to take MTR to the flower market in Mong Kong, we chose the later, i.e. the unreasonably expensive one in a shopping mall.

The exception was, I think it was quite worth of value this time, $160 for this bouquet, given that I didn't need to pay for the MTR transport!  Besides, since there were many rose buds on it, I believe it can be kept for a week!

Look at the flowers, they brighten my home!!  Lovely!!