Oh today I got a comment from my lovely Grace, my 'daughter-in-law' when we were Form 2. She requested if Oey Wai and I could mention how we drew 'graffiti' on Ms. Mo's note. Ms. Mo was a new teacher that year and she was the sternest one at that moment, people just believed that we had some mental illness because we had challenged her. Actually Ms. Mo is a cheerful girl, she also studied St. Catharines before and she is typically 100% St. Cat old girl, - smart and crazy. In her second year as a teacher, Ms. Mo totally changed her teaching style and simply reflected her own self. I asked why she act remotely in the first year, she said because she thought it was 'cool'....
Okay let's talk about the legend we made. When we were form 4, Oeywai and I were form captains and PE captains, and Ms. Mo was quite familiar with us. At that time, all PE team members should participate the before-class workout once a week to maintain their level and strength, and we were one of them. One day, Ms. Mo sticked a note on PE board to tell everyone that the training would be terminated as the exam was approaching, and a smile face was drawn on that note. Then Ms. Oey and I came out a silly idea and added several lines at that lovely smile face, it was eventually transformed as to little evil with fierce teeth, a big 'fork' on the right hand and 2 spots of fire surrounded it.
When Ms. Mo discovered it, she felt so angry, but ridiculously asked two of us to investigate who did it. When we went back to our class, we laughed ecstatically, it was indifference to the situation that a police asked the thieves to catch thieves, right?
The truth was covered until I was in Form 6, that is, two years later, when I became a type of friend with Ms. Mo, I told her in Cafe de Coral. She was shocked and pretended that she knew it a long time ago, but what the truth is she also thought it was funny!, and the story was spreading from mouth to mouth!!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
5 weeks ago
icic...what a good job, i am prond of you. I just wonder why i didn't see that in the PE notice board.
grace (your daughter-in-law forever)
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