Unbearable commitment
Many female friends hope to get marry but they have no confidence to maintain it. Some of them believed marriage is just a ritual which 'performing' to your relatives and friends, it is actually no difference to get marry or not if you really love your partner, and 'marriage' is just a bonus.
I could tell you that marriage is much more than a ritual. The ritual which demonstrating the commitment you promise the one you love is called 'wedding'. Wedding will have zero meaning if you do not respect the relationship at behind.
Many people asked me that if I really love that person, why don't you think about to cohabit with him? They said it is definitely have no meaning to get marry actually. Given that with the basic condition, e.g. financially stable, if you decide to devote to the one you love in life-long term, how come you scare to give him/her a promise of being married? Believe me, once you are in the marriage, you commitment and responsibility is much more that simply being a pair of couple.
One of my friends argues that she thinks getting married is unwise because, if one day, the two are divorce, if they have not got married they could have less things to handle and worry. I could tell her in front of her face directly, that means that she has no confidence and preparation to the marriage relationship, once you have confidence (don't get me wrong, having confidence doesn't mean having fantasy), you will have strengths to face all temptation and difficulties. I can't see what is wrong in there if you just want to announce your promise to your lover socially and legitimately?
And, don't get me wrong again, I don't think it is wrong of not getting marry, it is really a very personal decision, and I also believe that being single is absolutely cool choice, you do not need to bear tones of responsibility, marriage means getting united of TWO families, and I don't think that not getting marry means you are not serious in your relationship. My point is, everyone has their own way to go, but we should have make a thoughtful choice and with no regretting after all.
My final point is, don't get marry if you just want to actualize your fantasy of being a stupid princess in that day, but marriage means you want to commit to the one you love in whole life. Although it may be very very painful and does not promise it will be success finally.
Respect the marriage system, please!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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