Omigod!! Keep working almost non-stop from this Monday, luckily I could slip away from office at 6:45pm yesterday to see a flat with Yuen – we are going to rent an apartment, and are having independent life!
The flat is quite nice and had been renovated, but the rental fee is a little bit high. The land lord can tell that he is a civil servant by his outlook. You know, civil servants in their middle age always share a similar appearance and dressing style.
There will be another new flat released for rent in the same estate, we may have chance to see it before we make the decision. Most likely we could make confirmation within these two weeks. I always day-dream about to decorate the flat!!
The night before yesterday I had a horrible nightmare. I dreamt that I was having in-depth interviews with several respondents, but actually I had no idea of what questions I supposed to ask, who the client was and even what this project was about, and… In the next morning, Jeff complaint that I shouted out when sleeping and beat his arm… oh Jesus!!!
This is surely not the first time, when I was working at the last job, Jeff heard that I spoke in English when dreaming and seemed to explain something about the schedule of mass production and shipment….
Am I having mental disorder??
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
listen piano music before sleep
would release your pressure
manki, you always talk when you are sleeping!
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