Feel Better
Tonight I left office at 10pm, when colleague were leaving and saw me on the seat, they encouraged me and said no wonder I am a 'never-give-up-Dai-Manki'. Literally, I had finished an enormous project - a 150 pages ad analysis BY THE END OF THE DAY. I re-confirmed my client this afternoon that I promised him BY THE END OF THE DAY did mean it, i.e. before 12:00 midnight.
Yesterday our queen Kelly Larry (this is a nick name) anticipated her ultimate power in the office and criticized we young executives again... then I knew that she addressed us as 'bloody executives'... well, I know that actually she didn't mean it, and sometimes she shot out some words without a second thought, but I felt a bit uneasy when my chubby neighbor told me about it. Poor chubby neighbor was the target yesterday, Kelly snapped her door close and shouted at him from around 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
Miracles sometimes appear in some moments. The friends I loved to bully her with other friends when we were in lower form turned out to be the one who mostly understands me in that peer circle. I talked with her for an hour about my unhappiness, she taught me to let go, if someone treated me bad, forget it and should not bear it on my back forever. It is an everyone-know-wisdom, but it seems she winked at me and suddenly the light bulb above my head switched on, I feel much comfortable now.
Jeff was also very nice in the past few days, I worked quite late recently, luckily he cooked the dinner for me. Yesterday he knew that I was upset and cried, then he did the dish also. He is so wonderful!!
Grace, you are right, we have families and friends who love us all the time.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
5 weeks ago
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