Free vs. Less
From the book 'The Family Way', I learnt two terms - Child-free and Child-less. Both words describe the same phenomenon - Someone do not have kids, but it means totally different subjectively. One is free of burden, and another is filling with emptiness. Wow what a marvelous contrast. What about carefree and careless, or penny-free and penny-less?
Cat, one of the heroines in the novel feels so proud of her singleton, 36 years old with a hippy job (the manager of one of the most fabulous restaurants in London), an 'infertile' boyfriend, and the smallest flat along the glittering Thames River bank. Her 'infertile' boyfriend let her to be 'carefree to remain 'child-free'.
But I am sure the story will develop in an unexpected way... at least Cat could not imagine, because her destiny is totally depended on Tony Parsons, he is not her boyfriend, but the author of this book.
Mr. Right and Mr. Right Bastard -
What is the relationship between these 2 terms? Lot of women in their early thirty are hunger for Mr. Right. Another bunch of women in late thirty realize that the one they assume are Mr. Right turn out to be Mr. Right Bastard. I learnt it from this book as well, sounds so pathetic, but extremely hilarious!!!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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