The Mall
Last Saturday Jeff asked me if there is anyone on earth 'living' in a shopping mall, he reminded me the movie 'The Terminal'.
It is such a good ground to develop a dark humor story, The beginning will be like this - Once upone a time, a 'tribe' inhabit in an air-conditioned mega shopping mall, they were unwilling to leave there, or they deluded themselves there is no outer world. They worked in the mall, and then spent in the mall. They paid the whole life of their effort to exchange what were selling in that mall, and they dined there, they bathed there, they showed off to each others of what they bought from each other shop. On work days, they worked extremely hard in their small shops, on holidays, they visited other shops and fight for the things that were trendy.....
Jesus, it sounds like a place we know damn good, Hong Kong.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
其實我們或多或小已步入這個"The Mall",如不自控,好有可能成為一個"完美消費者".
My consultant fee is in hourly rate, call my secretary to arrange the seminar.
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