Office as a freezer
I am now in my office, shivering like a rabbit. It is not because of any predator nearby; instead, the office temperature is very low and makes me trembling a lot.
An English tour-guide book of Hong Kong mentions that HK indoor temperature is much low than the outdoor temperature! It suggests tourists to bring a coat or a jacket if they go for any indoor activities, e.g. shopping, dining. Although we are in the subtropical zone, our indoor temperature is always similar to the Arctic Circle (I admit I exaggerate a bit).
It explains why I need to drink 5-6 cups of hot water in office a day, because I should get the heat from hot water.
Why we should set the temperature that low? Several years ago, we had two Norwegian classmates; they love Hong Kong a lot except the temperature, and also air conditioners in classrooms. They couldn’t stand the chilly and wet ambience in air conditioned places in Hong Kong. These two Scandinavian told me that although Norway was much colder than Hong Kong, they will not feel as hard as in Hong Kong indoor area, air conditioners here made them sick.
My administrative department revealed our comment to the property agent, but the feedback was unsatisfactory. The staff explained that if they adjusted the air con temperature, several floors above and below us will also be affected. Since no one from other floors also complaint about this, it was ‘inappropriate’ to adjust it simply based on our feeling… Fine, it is absolutely fine!
I think we may set a project to investigate how people in every floor think about the ‘micro-climate’ of our building; I am going to draft a questionnaire.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
2 comments: also occur in my office for these few days, sometimes I visit the tiolet to keep myself warm as the temperature is higer in the tiolet.
The problem is serious in winter, I found that it affect my work effeciency!
只是一些題外話, 是從SEE第五期看到的!
文中提及早前政府提出泠氣温度應校至25.5度的水平, 有政府部門人員透露, 在這行政指令要求下泠氣温度調高後, 不少同事均感到室內其為悶熱, 於是各人自行加設私家風扇,部門該期電費支出, 竟然急升數千大元!
筆著亦說, 25.5度是由美國工程師學會提出, 適用於當地, 但字亦應與濕度及其他王環境因素同時配令!
現在很多室內地方的温度的確太低, 但應調高至幾多度呢? 在不同的天氣, 亦應有不同的適當室內温度。而這温度甚至會影响全幢大厦的人。室內地方的温度太低的確是一個問題, 但亦是一個很難解決的問題, 像我的research 一樣!
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