1. Your fault is your fault.
2. Your boss's fault is also your fault.
3. Your boss has a right to ruin your reputation or scapegoat you in front of your clients and colleague, for the sake of retaining his face.
I experience the 2nd and the 3rd rules thoroughly in these two weeks. I thought HE is the exceptional, HE is reasonable... But I discover that all working places have no big difference at all.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
I'm lucky that my boss is the exceptional, her fault is her fault! hahaha...
But...she is a 豬油飽! I was annoyed with her when she can't meet the deadline, it seems that I'm her boss!!!
豬油飽 is funny, I do think you and her are the perfect match if she doesn't mind you dominate her.
We all are not perfect and have weaknesses. But the right attitude is to accept them and try to improve ourselves instead finding someone to blame.
As you know, my ex-boss Mr. old Sin is also belong to this 'my-fault-is-also-your-fault' category. Excuse my stereotyping, but I always said this is the typical charactistic of HK SME boss. Now I wonder this is a globalized trait also.
If I am lucky to be a boss one day, I hope I will not become a typical one.
It is classical Freud's Defense Mechanisms - "Denial and projection".
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