If you are working in client-servicing sector like me or you yourself are a client, you know that my job sucks sometimes ~~ most clients are nasty, in reasonable or unreasonable ways.
That is why I should treasure the opportunities to work with client A, who I worked with for 3 solid years!! He is appreciative, supportive and fair.
I cannot believe that the incident happened last week - the 'confrontation' between me and his counterpart had caused him so much trouble~~ to make the revenge, that 'lovely' lady complaint him in front of his boss!!
I have not made any mistakes and apparently that woman swirled up all those mess, but I still feel a bit sorry to him. He backed me up and then he got the complaint. If this happens to other irresponsible clients, they can scapegoat me and leave me to bear all responsibility easily.
It is ridiculous that what my senior mainly concerned is just if I have offended that trouble-maker. Hello, I am the one being offended..
Today we had a meeting with client A again. Jelly told him that we did good jobs recently that's why he is disappointed of lacking of chances to critize us. Then client A asked Jelly not to sound like that trouble-maker and bully us... Hahahahahahahahah!!!!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
1 comment:
I wish I have one.... ><
nice client : nasty client ratio is about 1:15
That's an informal research conducted by folks with at least 3 yrs client servicing experience @ Axxxx
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