I do love pet and I always dream about having a puppy, but I hesitate to make my dream come true because it means a life is sent into your hands. This is such as huge responsibility.
With less than 24-hrs notice, suddenly my father-in-law decides to adopt a Chihuahua from his friends. Well, after a 'democratic and transparent' discussion, this Yoda-like Chihuahua comes to our home last night..
My family immediately name him 'Tin Tin'. All kids are exciting of his arrival, including Lucas. He wants to touch the doggy but Tin Tin is too passionate and licks his toes. I hold up my baby immediately and comfort him with gentle stroke.
My family is packed with people with polarized personalities, so you can imagine what a chaotic scene would be when this puppy is jumping everywhere - some kids are screaming, then she is over-sensitive, then he asks her to calm down impatiently, then he keeps praising how good to have a dog at home, and that well-built young man is playing with this tiny dog ...
I worry about Tin Tin during night because he misses his ex-master and his pal - another Chihuahua in his old home, then we bring a torch to visit him in midnight. When he sees me, he jumps to me and is shivering, then I embrace him like holding a little baby and try to calm him down. However, when we order him to get into the cage, he roars with grieving sound, I think he is crying, which makes me feel so sad... I am thinking, are we prepared to take this responsibility?
However we believe he will try his best to adapt this new environment.
It is funny that Lucas is jealous when I am carrying Tin Tin.
By the way, Jeff wants to give him an English name - Yoda.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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