Tonight Jeff asked me if I had very rare chances to stay with my grandfathers.
Yes, I only met my maternal granddad several times when I was a kid, but I still remember the big house he lived, the long wooden stairs, his warm smile and blurry eyes when looking at me. Everyday I visited him, I sent him some little gifts, such as a card or a paper heart I made.
My memories were only these.
It is a sorrow that I had never met my father's father, because he passed away when he was very young. Sometimes I do hope I could meet him.
When Jeff told me how his granddad was, such as his traditional mind, his strong personalities, I am astonished, because I have lack of experience to communicate with men in that generation. I just realize that some concepts I take for granted, such as the equity of two genders, for them, it is never in their vocabulary. There is nothing right or wrong to them, we shape and are shaped by culture.
Lucas is so lucky, he has 4 grandparents, treasure him like a prince.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
"we shape and are shaped by culture" I totally agree with it. So we should know more about others' cluture and knowledge to make us "Open".
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