I woke up early in this quiet morning. Lazy Jeff and Lucas are still having a sound sleep.
Time flies, especially in this year. I think I enjoy 2007 a lot, how about you?
The biggest 'event' in this year is my second pregnancy. Frankly, I still cannot figure out where I get the strength and courage to be a mother of the second baby again. I still remember the awful 1st trimester in the mid of this year, and the big shock of CPC and kidney dilation of my unborn baby. Luckily all had gone and this little creature grows healthily.
I had picked up violin again. Sadly it seemed not the perfect time, I had quit the lessons since my 5-month pregnancy, because I felt really exhaustive to practice violin with a big belly, given that I still could not manage to use my strength properly during the practice.
I had done one travel in March, with my beloved colleague Samatha. It was a nice business+leisure trip, we spent one week in London. A place I am very familiar with, but still got lost always, even with a map with us.
Talking about the relationship with my family - Jeff is always my best partner, he is more than a husband, but my soul mate and my best friend, who shares the same thoughts with me always. And he is also an excellent daddy, especially when I got pregnant again, he helps me to bath baby and change nappies. I would like to say a big thank to you, my dear!!
I also feel the changes in my parents and sister, they become happier with a new member - Lucas joining our family. Thanks you all for helping me to take care of Lucas when I was exhausted. I am sure Lucas loves him Kung Kung, Po Po and Yee Yee a lot.
Okay, about works... Um.. I always think I could do better. I know my learning path is going up, but is still a bit slowly. Nevertheless, As I should get the career-family balance, I had to sacrifice opportunities sometimes. Surely, this is a happy problem, at least I can choose how to manage my time, and also thanks a lot for the support from all colleagues who work with me, and my company. All of them are really nice people, it is rare to meet in work place in general, actually.
About personal growth?? I guess I grow a lot since I become someone's mother. I still love crying, but I am much stronger than before.
There are several days to 2008, I wish you all have a prosperous new year!!!!!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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