The third working days in the new year.
Frankly, the workload is not unbearable, especially comparing those busy bees. Like normal working days, I have to deal with clients, reporting, phone conference, rushing out some charts, etc.
However, I had a series of nightmare yesterday. I dreamt that I missed the review with Jimmy.
In fact, I made an appointment with Jimmy for a review this Friday, at 11:45am-noon. As He is a hilarious yet rigid person, I remind myself not to miss anything... Apart from this, there are several tasks should be completed on or before this Friday, then the stress revealed in my nightmares...
I am just so silly.
It is time for yearly appraisal again, I am really in a awkward position of my career development path. What is the expectation from my bosses to this working mother in her second pregnancy? How long is the maternity leave that me and my little baby deserve? How to hand over all jobs... Okay, don't think too much, let see.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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