Finally, I had read something more serious - The Fine Art of The Big Talk. Its subtitle is captivating - How to win client, deliver great presentation and solve conflict at work. I am sure you will become the most brilliant star in workplace if you can achieve all these things.
Of course, reading this book won't turn you into a great presentator, unless you keep learning and incorporate the techniques in daily life. The essence in communication she suggested is Positve thinking.
We interact with many people in workplace, all of us come from different background. Conflicts raised unavoidably sometimes, but the key thing is how to solve the problem positively, and always focus on the problems instead of persons.
The book is precise and easy to read, there is no complex theory but showing communication skills in various situation, such as - how to manage the conversation on track, to identify the big talk danger signs, to send positive energy, to get a great closure of discussion, to overcome stage fright during presentation.
Highly recommended.
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