Something positive is happening.
I have resumed work since this Monday. I feel excited everyday when I get back to office. I do not think I have experienced this before, even in my previous works.
I am working in this Market Research film for four years. In the past around 1500 days, I did not particularly love my work. I just always claimed that I did not hate this job.
During the BK Era (Before Kid era), I felt extremely desperate to my job, I told Jelly I was totally burnt out and I thought about being a quitter, he did not agree because he saw my enthusiasm there, he believed I had just been deluded by the long working hours and comments from others. I do not think we were in the same page at that moment.
However, I find myself having a little bit interest in it now. When Chrisse offered her internal training about Projective Technique, I just felt, wow, qualitative research was amazing!!
I remember once Tin Tin told me, I might not be the most aggressive staff in the company as I was a mother of two, but I could enjoy the learning process. It was like in a marathon, I might not be a champion, but I chose the pace that I felt comfortable and enjoyable.
Well, it sounds so ideal but very difficult to implement it in reality, however I will try my best to achieve it. Wish I will make a record - to be a mother- of- two researcher in this company.
And... cross fingers that my enthusiasm towards market research would not be spoiled by the stress again...
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
5 weeks ago
various channels attached to the community makes one much happier
So happy to know that you like that presentation.
Talking about projective technique, I am thinking of applying it to our daily life, to probe for people's secret!! Gotta try it out with someone innocent later on. Have to identify the victim first!
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