Nothing is more precious than family life. I have just had wonderful time with all handsome cutie pies last weekend.
Last Friday, Jeff and I went to see the movie "Wall-E" after dinner, this was totally out of my expectation!!! What a great movie which delivering environmental protection messages by adorable robots. It is a good sign that environmental protection is becoming a basic education to our next generations.
After the film, we felt extremely hungry and had a second dinner. (We had two dinners at one night). We went into an exquisite restaurant & Bar at Salisbury's Road, TST, it is literally at a road because we sit along the pavement. We had ordered duck breast with caramelized apple, seafood Cesar salad, french fries and Creme Brulee. I also had a glass of strong Champagne cocktail, and Jeff had beer. We did have a fascinating late night supper until 2am!!!!! People passed by surely thought either we starved ourselves the whole day, or we wanted to double of weights.

On Saturday, Linus got running nose. Since he is a home lover and has no great interest to go out, we asked nanny to stay with him at home, then we bought Lucas to have almost all means of public transport ride (Bus, mini bus, MTR, tram, taxi, except airplane).
We had been Causeway Bay, Wanchai and Admiralty. In Wanchai, there was special Italian cuisine supermarket with dining place in the second floor.The interior design is cozy, I love the orange coloured walls. We took a rest there in the middle our exhausted trip. I was holding the sleepy Lucas for almost a hour, thanks god there was an air-conditioned place with nice European food served.
Lucas was totally content that day.
On Sunday, Linus was getting better, we bought the kids out for breakfast, and we went to the Museum. Lucas kept say Mu-se-um in the museum, to show off that he knew this word.
Lucas was highly interested to the exhibits and kept running everywhere. However, Linus seemed not very enjoy and kept vomiting milk everywhere. We wiped up the milk all the time...
In the evening, Jeff and I became chefs, we made delicious dinner.
What a weekend packed with events, I love family life.