I was wondering if my stomach can function normally again....
I was wondering if my non-stop high fever will make me blind or deaf... or even mentally retarded...
I was wondering how come there is water in front of my eyes until Jeff grabbed me out from the toilet bowl when I had my last vomit...
Yes, I had food poisoning, I swear that problemed restaurant, which almost took my life.... I had two adorable babies and a handsome hubby, I can't leave them alone...
And, I should listen to my doctor's advice, never touch raw food again...
Thanks god, after four days, I am still alive, just losing many pound and my chest downgraded one cup size. Wakakakkaka.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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