This story was on-screened starring Mergl Streep and Amy Adams. I knew the movie while I was choosing cheese in City Super. I was rewarded 2 free tickets of this movie because I bought 2 packs of cheese. However, it was in last November, I was even lack of time for sleeping, let alone seeing movie. Therefore I skipped it.
I say it is an inspiring book because both heroines were not satisfied with their current lives, they were searching some changes, some new challenges, to gain back the self-reassurance, and to explore this world.
Julia Child, who resided in France with his husband, Paul Child, as he was assigned to be an exhibit officer there. She started to reach sophisticated cuisine. She then turned her favorite - eating to her career. Julia learnt cooking, then taught American cook French cuisine, by creating the cookbook "Mastering the Art of French cooking", and showing face in TV.
Julie Powell, a late twenty government servant who felt bored to her job, her life and simply herself. She was inspired by Child. She then challenged herself by doing all recipes in "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" . Finally, she stuck with her plan and achieved it, and she felt she was no longer the old self.
Eric and Paul, Julie's and Julia's husband respectively, not only supported them but they were participating in their plans, they helped the girls to actualize their dreams.
When I was in the halfway of the novel, Jeff had downloaded the movie and watched with me one night. I knew this was not his favourite type, but he was willing to watch with me. He is so sweet.
Jeff is also the one who encourages me to pursue my dream!!!!
BTW, Julia Powell is a real person, she started blogging since 2005. Her blog plays an important role in this story: http://juliepowell.blogspot.com/
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