April 30, 2004 (Fri) Cloudy
I had attended a 'Creative & Positive Thinking' workshop with my friend many years ago. She believed it would be very good for me, because I seldom had smile shining on my face at that time. In the workshop, I could remember the instructor taught us to understand our feeling, and to listen our passion and soul. She also suggested us to have meditation every night before bed. Frankly, I could not get a lot from that class, surely it was my own problem, I did not totally open my heart to this new learning.
The wisdom of positive thinking existed a long long time ago, but it became a popular topic in the recent decade. Lots of seminars and self-help books talking about Emotional quotient (EQ), Adversity quotient (AQ), self growing and development.
This Wednesday I met one of my closest girl friends for a yoga class. She is a believer of positive thinking, human's energy and karma. It is just similar to other people who believe in gravity, correlation and the Universe. She knew that I felt desperate recently, then she suggested me to have positive thinking. She said If you believe you could achieve something finally, then this energy (I guess it means psychic energy) will interact with the Universe, and you dream may finally realized.
Then I tried to think and act positively, I seized all chances, and then I received several good news this weekend. I should say a great thanks for her.
It reminds me that when I have the last Religious study class in my Form 5, we were nervous about the Hong Kong Certicate of Education Examination (HKCEE, a public exam in HK), our bible teacher Mrs. Chung sent us her favourite quote as an encouragement: "God loves you and have a wonderful plan in your life!" It is a quote from an Anonymous.
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