Sunday, April 25, 2004 (Cloudy and shower)
Something I want to jot down today:
* I have no guts to use the free Dior skin foundation sachet sample which stuck on the ad in Marie Claire.
* I cried when I saw Big Fish in theatre, no one except me cried.
* Hot yoga practice improves my body strength a lot, but I have not experienced the positive effect on my emotion, I guess I should put more effort in meditation part.
* I bought a Tony & Tina eyeline pencil, it is royal blue color, it helps me to complete a chic style makeup, my sister also bought one.
* Someone drank a can of China made beer with poor quality, I do not need to give him a lecture, he had his own self-learning lesson, because he had headache and butterfly in stomach. (Dear someone, you know I am talking about you).
* My sister sent me a bottle of Kenzo perfume (Limited Edition) as a birthday present, I love the scent so much.
* The summer is appraoching, my lavender at the balcony grows strongly and prettily.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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