April 14, 2004 (Wed) Cloudy
I've read an impressive article in Marie Claire May, 04 (UK Edition), the title is 'How does ages change your body?' 9 woman in their ages from 15-62, showed their totally naked bodies confidently and shared how they perceive their bodies.
Joy Hussey, 62 years old in size 12 is the most beautiful women among them, she looked fabulous and confident. She said she did ballet a lot when she was young and could maintain muscle tone and body shape even after her second child birth when she was 37. Joy believed that she looks prettier than 20 years ago, even some wrinkles crawled over her face, she thought wrinkles made her looked interesting.
Another girl, Aurora Fleming, 19 years old in size 8 is young and attractive, but she thought she was too skinny and not sexy until she met her ex-boyfriend three years ago. He let her understood that not all men love curvy blondies.
Women always concern about their outlook, many of us do not satisfy with our body and appearance. Under the enormous social pressure, we try to lose several pounds everyday, we are forcing ourselves not to eat as much as we like, we hope to look like sexy goddess likes the image of celebrities and models in magazine or TV. Hundreds of ads with slim bodies (even skinny bodies) bombard us everyday. It seems that it is a guilt if you do not look perfect. However, in this article, I found that even slim girl like Aurora thought she was invisible because of her size 8 body. What we should learn is to love our body, to accept our appearance, it is the gift from our parents.
Petra Joy, 40 years in size 10 mentioned that her male colleague said the sexiest woman is the one being confortable and confident with their naked body. She is a erotic firm producer.
I hope every girl could now start to live for themselves instead of for others' comment. It will make them happier.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
1 comment:
How very true, it is about time girls' loved themsleves for themselves and dont try to conform to others' expectations. After all, if you don't love yourself, who can love you?
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