Last Friday Jeff and I went back my parental family and had a nice dinner. Dad's computer got some problem so Jeff helped him to fix. I asked Mom to go shopping with me then two of us had some chance for 'girls' talk'.
We shopped in Nice Claup, Mom said those trendiest cape looked fab, she asked me to buy one. Wow, what a stylish Mom. Then we went to Joy & Peace, she gave me lots of comment for choosing shoes and boots, I wanted to give her a great treat and buy her a pair of nice heels, but she said she had enough heels and seldom had chance to wear.
I want to tell you something about my Mom. She is a workaholic, a incredible time keeper and a rigid supervisor. She always ordered me, MeiKi and Dad what should do and what should eat and where should go. Sometimes we asked her to let us alone, but it is undenible that she always makes everything in right place and in details. Her food is excellent, and she keeps the home shiny clean. My mom is also great at tailoring clothes, she helps MeiKi to make dancing costume, and she makes clothes for me, which is amazing.
I couldn't agree more than Mom is a strong woman, she is also a happy lady. What she strives for is stability but not prosperity, therefore she never has hunger on brand clothes, LV bags and precious jewellery. I wondered if she had achieved the self-acutalization because she figured out the geunine happiness.
Go back to our girls' talk conversation. My mom asked if we could move out from my parent-in-law house if Jeff and I would have baby. I could make to assumption here: 1. Mom wants to have grand-children, 2. She simply want to know where we want to build our own little nest. I told mom we wished to leave the place we were living, just depends when it would be the right time, and not yet confirmed the place.
I guess Jeff and I are about to take a step into the new stage of life!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
O...Mammy has told me that you bought two pairs of shoes, and bring me to the shop to have a look!
I always think that Mammy is living in a valley, far away from the city as she is such a kind person. However, this villager concerned on the social policy very much, she always has many opinion in politics, just like a politician.
Haha, I bet Mommy will sqeeze our necks when she found us make joke of her in internet.
I wanna visit your new house. Can I be one of your guests?
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