Christmas is coming!!
Time is slipping out, last Christmas seems left me just awhile, the new christmas is coming. Remember that in last December I saw the film 'Love Actually', there were several lovely stories knitted together . Each story talked about affection, such as love between lovers, between friends, between father and son, between family, and fantasy (remember that freaky Collin took an adventure in Winconsin for sexy American sweethearts?). I like this movie so much, it soaked me in gingerbread sweet smell.
In this Christmas I look forward to see 'Bridget Jones's Diary - The Edge of Reason'. I read the book several years ago, right after 'Bridget Jones's Diary'. Jones is a representative of a very popular social status in UK - 30 somethings female singleton. Her diary diets, lousy working life, messy affair and non-stopping weight growth made you burst into a laugh. But guess what? She is not a loser, she is very attractive and people love her because of her real self.
To indulge myself in seasoning joyfulness, I bought myself a bottle of ginger scent shampoo and a pot of green apple scent creamy hair treatment in Origins. My hair is shiny and smells great (but it is still too much and too dark, like black ink spread on a piece of velvet cloth, technically speaking, my hair is like a black hat for Eskimo.... well I am just exaggerated, time is too late, I started to dream and murmur when writing this paragraph.......
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
Dear Manki,
yes, this year's christmas really seems so "sudden"!
just an early christmas greeting to you, my sweet mom.
manki, did you remembered that i watch 'Love actually' with you & yuen? We were shopping at Festival Walk on that day! I loved this film so much!
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