Our life is rushing.
We rush to go for work everyday, We rush to have a breakfast right before the computer, rush to attend meeting and presentation, rush to have lunch, rush to meet deadline, rush to meet friends, rush to have dinner, rush to sleep and then rush to wake up after the alarm clock has already rung at the third time.
People rush for detoxifying, rush for anti-aging, rush to crush into somebody else, rush into dating, rush into marriage, rush to bear kids, rush to be successful and famous.
I don't know why people say 'when you are suffocating yourself, you should let yourself breathe', it is an absolute fallacy, but the meaning in between thi sentence is allowing yourself to release and take time. However, we always feel that our life is too short and no idle time could be squeezed.
Okay, I should rush to go bed, should rush to finish the work on time tomorrow.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
Seriosly, I think we rush for nothing....People rushing here and there solely because we are afraid of having idle time. We don't know what to do with our leisure life cuz normally we don't have leisure in life at all. Sadly to say, maybe we have already lost the ability to manage our spare time. Somehow we plan after-work activities for ourselves, but don't you think that these stuff would just create another round of rush? huh, am I being too critical?
Manki, i rarely rush on anything, because i ignored the job that i need to do! hehe...
But i always rush to comment on your diary la!!
I'd just seen the Guinness TVC ad, that handsome guy said "Get that girl, get that house, get that job, get that yacht. Coz there is no second time, it's a chance to take a shot!"
I guess these are what people chasing for...
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