My Birthday
Wow I had just experience a series of happy birthday events.
The first birthday gift was Jeff woke up at 8am, a bit earlier than other days.
Then after I arrived office, Ah Chan sent me a pair of lovely earrings.
Then a bouquet from Jeff, and Candy the gateway person announced the news by paging all staff.
Then my boss Jelly paid me the lunch.
Then a grand and splendid birthday party in a flashing shining ballroom (actually in our office meeting room) for Christina and me - the 'stars' of April, the event was organized by our popular in-house PR director Samantha Chic. I knew that she put great effort on it, I love her so much!!
Then another pair of earrings from my DP angels.
Then a birthday card contained blessing from most of the colleagues, and i just knew that someone gave me a nick name 'Dai Man Ki', which is relevant to the popular Korean TV episode 'Dai Cheung Kam'.
Then one more blessing email for Ah Chan.
Then I left office at half past six.
Then Jeff and I had a birthday dinner.
Then Jeff bought me a pint of rum raisin ice-cream, we ate it when we were watching 'Dai Cheung Kam'.
What a marvelous day!! I am a lucky girl.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
haha...'Dai Man Ki', I love this nickname!
Thanks a lot Grace and Mei ki for the birthday blessing!!!! You two are my most active readers.
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