An unreachable world
I read through half of the book ‘Educating Alice’. Frankly, it is not a very overwhelming or exciting novel, but it gives me a soothing feeling. Yesterday I read about Alice’s Italy journey when I was in MTR train, the book had dragged me into her world. My mind kept imagining every little cafe and cathedral she was going through, and projecting an elegant lady who Alice met, with delicate curly hair fell over her shoulder, and shared about her experience in her growing place with Alice… Everything is extremely beautiful. I almost missed the station.
Books are my best friends; I usually hook my emotion to them. I share the joy and sadness of the characters. Every time when I dive into a story, I could forget who I am, it gives me a wonderful feeling!!
Do you have similar experience?
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
For me, movies always hook my emotion, I'll imagine that I'm one of the character! I guess it's similar experience, that's why I like movies!
I love books more because you could let your imagination flows free, you could also construct every scene and character by yourself! =)
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