No one can make me give up, I will never give up (By Dai Cheung Kam 2005)
Haven't had a late night OT work for a long time. Today I worked until 11:20 pm, Ah Chan also worked late with me, and I am not sure if she is now still in office or not.
We two haven't had such a long OT together for more than a month. Tonight I felt happier, because I felt that two of us supported each others speechlessly. Although I was a bit exhausted, I enjoyed the ambience.
I bet this weekend I should bring work back home to do. Dai Man Ki will never give up!!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
1 comment:
咁不如我地多o的OT啦,哈哈哈哈, 講笑講笑 ^_^
I gotta say thank you as well. You are such a great companion & give me much spirtual support. Let's work with each other side by side la
Ah Chan
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