There is an emptiness in my heart.
Throughout the on-job training, I figure out my deficiency. I do not even know the basic knowledge of marketing, how could I excel in market research industry? I only have vague idea of some marketing terms, therefore it will be a turmoil if I get an opportunity to work on further sophisticated tasks.
Jargons could only be applied in specific context. When I study Anthropology, I found those geographic terms are no longer applicable in this subject, a same word may even has various meaning, while I am writing a market research proposal, my brain becomes totally BLANK!! No words could describe what I am thinking.
Sometimes I have difficulties in writing. I wonder if I am really gifted in languages and writing. My writing skill will be degraded if I stopped reading, and my brain will eat up all my vocabulary if I did not use those words for a certain period of time. But, come on, writing ability is something that you develop gradually, and it is constructed by every piece of reading you learnt , instead of putting some words in your short term memory and then wiped away when new knowledge get into the brain. But now my head is spinning, mom always said what you learn will belong to you forever, how come my mind got stuck??
I do not satisfy with my English proficiency, now I even seem an illiterate of Chinese because I seldom use it. So what on earth the person will I become? A poor little thing who is wandering in the tiny crack between two languages?
Anyway, as a layman, I should grasp some marketing text books immediately and start learning.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
I noticed that you are a bit upset after the proposal briefing. But before I read your diary, I don't really know what the problem is. Anyway, don't be depressed. Jargons and terms could be catched up but mentality can hardly be (just like FY). And I seriously think that your mentality is totally fine to be a market researcher. Dont' worry ^^
Dear Sam,
Thanks for your prompt reply (less than 2 minutes after I uploaded the passage). It is the mischievous behaviors for both of us communicate through a non-official channel during office hours.
I am a little bit surprise that my facial expression or body language thoroughly exposed my inner struggle, I could hardly disguise my feeling, people could literally ‘see’ what I am thinking . But anyway, thanks for your encouragement.
I should swap back to my work, I am pretending I am drafting an emails. FY was peeping at me…
Best regards,
(written in business writing tone)
Keep on Gloria! Every skill need time to growth up. I also have your such exprience in my programming life. I want to withdraw when I know more about computer,I found each day will have new techologies and terms, when I read others' program I also want to quit, cos I think I can't reach such level, however all of those are a learning process, someone will not have such exprience , if and only if they really try to know more and do more about it. It is important that you found what is your weakness, each time you find your weakness , it is a chance to improve yourself and go to next level, someone can be improve only they can found and review their weakness. You have a broader general knowledge and excellent language ability, it is no problem to have a breakthrough in your job.
Treat the difficulty as a challengue la! +Oil...
Dearest Manki,
thanks for leaving message in my blog ah, so touching!
you know, i really admire you can write so good believe in yourself, you can do that!
I will work hard on my italiano, too!
Buon fine settimana (have a nice weekend)!
Manki ,I would suggest you to read more updated marketing &
customer service book ,as these two topics is close connected,it needs time to build up your knowledge and applied techniqiue,so be constant to read more books and on the other way ,to practice is also very important,because only by practice,then you'll find out
the weakness and than you could slove the problem easily.what is your idea?
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