Drop Dead Gorgeous
Sam and I talked about BJ's Diary II today. We found this movie is like a fairy tale. Bridget Jones isn't pretty but she had an almost perfect boyfriend Mark Darcy, he is so tender and sophisticated, he rescures her anytime when she is in trouble. In reality, we are skeptial if it will happen because most men are 'driven' by physical appearance of opposite sex.
When I studied in University, my drama friend, Jose Yeung showed me his formula of choosing girlfriend, please see the formula as below:
Girl friend Acceptance Index (GFA Index) = (Physical appearance)*0.6+(Personality)*0.4
If the index is above 0.5, then he will accept that girl.
Obviously, the external beauty weights higher than internal substance. It sounds ridiculous but perfectly makes sense.
Is it horrible that people quantify and simplify the world and classify others by index?? Right, this is now what on earth I am doing everyday in my job.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
Yes, most men are 'driven' by physical appearance of women, but i believed that there should be exceptional case.
Haha, my sister, yes, the world always has some exceptional case locates at the tails of normal distribution curve, I think Daddy is the exceptional case. I don't mean mommy is not pretty, but Daddy loves her maybe because she is hardworking!!
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