Jingle Bell
5 days to Christmas, we plan to see 'Kung Fu Hustle' in the Christmas Eve, and Christmas bowling on boxing day. Just can't wait!!
Last Friday, we had a Christmas party in office, we played a gift exchange game: we picked a name from a box first, then everyone should be a secret angel and bought a gift for the person with the name we got.
Then I bought a 365 days bikini hot babe calendar for Ah Wai, he is a lucky guy, he could get such suitable gift, 365 girls surround him and comfort him every OT night, they are surely fantastic OT booster!! I am sure I improve his effectiveness and increase his chance of promotion indirectly. However, Wai told me that he doesn't like 'Gwai Po'(Caucasian women), he wondered if there is a Japanese version available...
What I got is a set of MUJI skin and hair care products from May, very nice.
Today I had dinner with my parental family, Meiki gave me a gift, it is a new tiny Blythe!!! It is a ducky Blythe - she wears a yellow ducky suit and with pinky bob hair. I bought Meiki a 'Ah Mei' puppet. My cousin Agnes teased that no one could guess these two gifts are for a pair of sister in their twenties...
Now I am listening to the sound track of 'Love Actually', comforting myself in this seasonal greeting, so sweet...
Wait, I should help my daddy to post an ad here: My daddy, Charles, is going to launch his own incredible website!!!! I will surely keep you informed when it is on air!! You could not afford to miss!!
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
Manki, I have taken photo with my lovey 'ah mei' right after you have left !
Thanks for your information, I have revised the typo. By the way, what is your 'Rhythm of my life' about? I do look forward to see it!!
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