How come somebody invented waterproof MP3 player? On its package, there is a man playing with a lady in the swimming pool, and with that player hanging on his ears.
Are we really that lonely, could we just spend several minutes to say alone with our ownself, stay speechlessly, motionlessly, with no radio or music player, allow ourselves to keep closer with the earth, to listen to the nature??
What is the point to listen to MP3 when you are swimming 50M breathstroke across the pool? Do we really have 'silence-phobia'? It is totally ridiculous...
Everyday we are being bombarded by numbers of information, visual display and sound/noise, we gradually lose our intuition, we are greatly influence by our outer world. However, we need to provide ourselves time to listen to our inner voice, to confess our sin, to accept our weakness, to be proud of our pride, do not let the man-made environment to tease ourselves into pieces.
Human being highly depend on technology, our arrogance assumes that human could manipulate the nature. We drain every drop of energy, we deforest our lovely greenland, we caused the extinction of animals, we mess up the global climate, developed countries deprives the 'third world' natural resources and legitimizing its as 'achieveing the global economic development'. Somebody believe that our stupid mind could create some technology that can regenerate the natural livelihood before the industrial revolution one day, or just plainly abandoned the Earth and migrate to other planet.
I suspect if doomsday will exist one day, human stupidity is a crucial factor.
雞肉&冬日蔬菜湯 鶏と冬野菜のお雑煮
1 month ago
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