Thursday, March 21, 2013




Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cookie memory

I dislike B.F. Skinner's behaviourism but recently I tried to apply this theory to real life.

Lucas had been preparing examination since last weekend.  He could handle the packed schedule but I  felt his stress and boredom.  Therefore I baked him some cookies, tried to associate some pleasant sensations with  his exam preparation.

Lucas even helped me out to mix all ingredients when he had a break.  Soon, a sweet aroma lingered our place, which immediately brought a broad grin across his face from ear to ear.

Very sweet!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Girl power

The gender equality improves a lot in Hong Kong in last two decades, but I can still see a lot of men who still 'inherited' their patriarchal male-dominated mind from the 19th century.  Guess what, this segment distributes across a wide age range, from 20-100 years old.

In opposite, for those who know how to appreciate the opposite gender are the ones who have strong self-image.  They don't have to belittle women to enhance (or boost) their self esteem.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Daisies in a cookie tin!

What a cute combination, daisies and this lovely cookie tin!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

White lilies

White lilies decorate my home with its elegance and sweet aroma.

One more plus, they are long lasting!  My bouquet lasts for more than a week!!