Friday, February 25, 2011

Double eggyolks

When I cracked open the half boiled egg today, I found these - double egg yolks!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lovely flowers

Strawberry plants from France, a pot of Rosemary at the left, you can see the fruits pop out from the little white flowers.
It's spring time, the weather is getting warmer, and my mood is brightened by blossomed flowers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am introducing blogging to Lucas.  He told me he also wanted to be a blogger.

The first entry he would like to talk about is dinosaur, his favorite prehistoric animal.  This would be what he like to share:

"Lucas likes to play dinosaurs! Apatosaurus is my most famous type, because it is a plant-eater and it is gentle, he is also cute and sweet.

Tyrannosaurs Rex is the most scary dinosaur, because it is a meat-eater.

I like mommy!"



現在我真正覺得我媽神級棒!她每天做家務帶小孩預備一日三餐仍可以面不改容,閒時還會做衣服 給我們(我說的閒時是指我跟妹妹還小的時候)°

可能資質使然,我成長期間卻沾不到我媽的半點生活智慧°在成為媽媽前,我總認為不懂煮飯不打緊,懂賺錢聘人煮飯就行°我以前是一個intellectual smart但street smart零分的人°例如跟友人到外地住酒店,面對著未見過的浴缸水龍頭,我必定是不懂如何調教熱水,唯有尖叫求助°又例如我對菜刀有恐懼症,總覺得切菜時會切掉自己的手指°現在為人之母,真的不能再這樣「低能」下去,所以雖有聘用家傭,很多事我仍會親力親為,例如煮飯(當然,我仍不能保証我不會切菜時會切掉自己的手指)°




Friday, February 18, 2011

The vacuum cleanser at my home almost makes me deaf.....

It is getting more and more noisy but it doesn't perform its supposing function well.

What on Earth should you be here? My dear vacuum cleanser.

I will replace you in very very soon future.


Um.... a thought just comes across my mind - if I am a man, I change the 'it' to 'she' and 'vacuum cleanser' to 'wife' in above paragraph, it still make sense. Doesn't it?


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feel comfortable in your skin

I read this from French Women for All Seasons:

"Nature gives you the face you have at twenty, life shapes the face you have at thirty, but at fifty you get the face you deserve." -- Coco Chanel.

Love yourself and treat yourself all the time!