Monday, December 31, 2012

I love flowers

New Year's Resolution

Okay, time to make New Year's Resolution.  Today is the last day of 2012.

It was quite a fruitful year to me.  I grew up with my family, started learning piano, attended a drama course, read some books, made some money, had two trips.  Many blessings should be counted.

Forgot to mention we passed over the end of the world ONCE MORE (roll eyes).  It is not easy to meet 2013.

My resolution:

  • Try something I have never tried before.  It does not necessarily mean bungee jump, etc. It is just some tiny little thing I didn't touch,  maybe gardening, etc.
  • Buy myself and my home flowers always.
  • Enjoy my time with family and friends.
  • Keep growing up.
  • Write a script.

I think that is.  The list is much shorter and quite different than the past.  I like it! =)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

A bit late to say Merry Christmas, but wish you enjoyed last two days!!

Had drawn this snowman picture in a Party yesterday at Beas River. I like it a lot.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas is all around!

Do you think our Christmas tree beautiful? I love the time when we spray water on the leaves, the aroma from pine tree is so divine!!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Melting heart

After the bedtime story, my baby boys said, 'I love you so much because you have a beautiful heart.' My heart officially melted....

Monday, November 12, 2012


Had read 'My Week with Marilyn' last week, followed by the movie last evening.  A beautiful story.  It seems it is a fantasy of Colin Clake instead of a real story to me.  But... does it matter?

No actress could replicate Marilyn Monroe in this era.  Not a single one.  But again.... why should they?

Sorry, I didn't mean Michelle Williams didn't bring Marilyn alive in the screen, instead,  this is the opposite.  Her performance was perfect.  I mean we can't expect to have the second Marilyn Monroe in our time.  She belonged to her era, she shaped and was shaped by the world at that time, which had just experienced two World Wars, a world without internet, globalisation in a much more slow way....

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Share joys with other children

It's November, Christmas seems far but it's actually around the corner.

Yesterday, Linus bought home a note about Box of Hope charity,((  His kindergarten is coming to participate to its annual campaign - donar would pack a boxful of christmas gift for underprivileged kids in Hong Kong or Asia.

You can also join it.  Just decorate a shoebox and stuff in some educational toys and stationaries and send to designated collecting points.

Let's make the world a bit more beautiful!

Friday, October 05, 2012






向來喜愛classical東西的我,順理成章學傳統經典的琴譜。老師買了Grade 2的書給我,她說對我來說可能難一點,不過她會教慢一點,讓我有時間練多些。揭到第7頁, wow, 是Bach 的Menuet! 我有機會彈Bach的歌了!!很高興!


Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Four Little Flowers

Here are four of us.  The 'Four Little Flowers'.

The baby boy there is my younger son.  Okay, he is no longer a baby, he is a young man.

Anyway, this blog is dedicated to the 'Four Little Flowers'.

We are cousins and sisters, we grow up together.  We meet several times a year for family gatherings or festival celebrations.

We are in similar age (well, I admit there is 8 year difference between the eldest one, that's me, and the youngest one, my younger cousin.)

We have diversified personalities, we walk on different life paths. Each of us have our own stories, our joys and sadness.  When I look at this picture, I see a lovely novel, an interesting movie.  I praise the difference we have and the harmony between us.

There is no single formula to thrive a life, to pursue your dream, to love what you have, to be brave and open-minded in front of hurdles, then, we all four little flowers can be in blossom beautifully!!

I love you all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child

Finally I have finished reading 'The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child', by Marti Olsen Lancy. I would like to recommend to parents who have an introvert child. It gave me solid knowledge of 'temperament' -- a person who tends to eit
her side of introversion or extroversion does not relate to his/her personality, but how the neurological system works. To make it short, it is hardwired and cannot be changed.

We had encountered many difficulties when my elder boy attended kindergarten, since he was an extreme introvert. Introverts are always misunderstood especially in schools because we live in an extroverted society. For example, kids around four to five should go through round and round of interviews if their parents want to send them to private schools. Children are also encouraged to attend interest class after class to beef up their 'portfolio'. If a child is shy and laid-back, they are labelled as incompetent, dreamy, etc. Obviously, such environment is not favourable to introvert children.

The middle part of the book tells readers the gifts an introvert would have. They are considerate, they love to learn things in-depth, they may not have many friends, but they treasure each of them. It also advises parents how to nurture guide an introvert kid to make them flourish.

We should celebrate the differences of each child instead of forcing them to conform to the shape of a mould.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

About mid-age

If you couldn't help but scream when you lost your spectacles, but it actually sits nicely next to you, that means you reach the middle age, or you are not far away from it…..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I love to read with my children.  To me reading is simply enjoyable.  The world is so enormous, reading is the easiest and cheapest way to travel around it.

Had borrowed a book about Estonia, I found it at the children section of the public library.  I was planning to read it with kids, but I couldn't wait and finished a whole book a night.

Estonia was independent only since the 90s, it is a captivating country, with history intertwined strongly with Russia yet still preserves its own culture.  A beautiful place with a large portion of natural landscape.  I wish I can go there some days.

And that little book will be the kids' bed time reading in the coming nights. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dear Mr. Spider 2

Dear Mr. Spider 2,

I found you outside my window in an extremely hot day.  I wish I could communicate with you, then I could warn you a typhoon is approaching Hong Kong.  I could suggest you to give up your big fat moth feast, grab your web and run without turning your head back.

Everything is too late, a Level 8 typhoon had swiped across here last night.  When I looked out, you were not there, I guess you had been wiped away effortlessly.

That's really bad....






Thursday, June 28, 2012

A quiet quarter

Haven't received jobs since April, had also rejected a project because the price offered by an agency was ridiculously low.  The only works I had done were simply replying quotations and shot back a polite but nasty email to that unreasonable supplier.

Felt a bit insecure in the first two no-job months but now get used to it.  And guess what?  I feel great to be with my boys.  They are very demanding and sometimes just drive me to pull my hair, but it is also invaluable to witness how they grow, in both good or mischievous ways.

When I am exhausted and wanted to escape, I always remind myself how desperate I wanted to hug my babies and spent time with them when I was a working mom.  How dreadful the feeling was when the boys were not feeling well, but what I could do was to stick my ass on the seat in the office.  How regret I felt when my tired hubby drove all the way from N.T. to town to pick me up after work.

My life is getting better and better, I should remember that.

Friday, June 22, 2012


今天在豐陳寶和豐一吟所編的《爸爸的畫 1》中讀過這兩頁。讀後覺得很心酸。我們的社會不但沒有朝過豐子愷先生所希望的方向走,反而是向著相反方向大踏步去。。。



《製造基督》(Messiah)是英國劇作家Steven Berkoff的作品。同流劇團翻譯了此劇,並在於2012年6月15至17日於西灣河文娛中心演出。

原著在2000年於英國上演時已引起社會激烈的討論。它批判信仰,諷刺以宗教來控制人民的政客和極權政府。故事講述耶穌(J.C.)是一名演員和狂熱政治家。他希望拯救猶太人和抗衡羅馬政府, 同時認為聖經中的默西亞根本不會出現,所以他跟門徒依照聖經舊約的預言,演出默西亞被釘十字架及死後復活,使更多人相信他,團結整個猶太民族,對抗羅馬人,甚至要讓基督教傳揚至整個西方世界。預言,就是耶穌與門徒們的劇本。

正如文字工作者周穎榆在場刊提及,《製造基督》所「褻瀆」的不是宗教(religion), 而是信仰(faith)。Berkoff沒有質疑上帝的存在,但他給觀眾一個很大的空間去反思,為甚麼人要相信一本由人寫成的聖經?為甚麼當人們稍為用理性去分析信仰和質疑聖經時,就被稱為自負?作者將「不要怕,只要信」一句話, 鞭韃得體無完膚。





除了劇本,我也欣賞翻譯下過的努力。由於原著用了很多經文來編織對白,翻譯需要作大量的資料搜集,既要花心思地保留經文的優美,同時令對白聽來通順而不落俗套。是次演出中很多場也能呈現如詩意境。可惜,不知是否為了注入本土元素,有幾場的對白加入極多廣東話粗口。如場一「臨終現場」,耶穌被釘十字架時,負責守衛他的羅馬士兵們不斷以粗口辱罵他,頻密的程度是每句至少有兩個。粗言穢語用以傳達語言暴力,這我理解,在這血腥的場面出現也像理所當然。不過,這畢竟是一套翻譯片,所表達的地點更是確確實實的耶路撒冷。所以當聽到士兵說著非常地道,賦有深遠歷史和文化的廣式粗口, 不免感到有點突兀和過於庸俗。


Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Berry在兩個月大時與我們相遇。他很嬌,很有靈性,只愛吃魚,不喜歡貓糧。他不太活躍,但很黏人,愛倚在人的身旁。Berry當我是媽媽,常常扭我抱。每當我摟著他的時候,他會用前腳有節奏地踏著我的身體,並從喉嚨發出「達達」聲。這是小貓在貓媽媽身邊, 感到很舒適時的本能反應。我跟他說,我會愛他一生一世。




醫生同意我們的想法。我們看著他為Berry注射重劑量的麻醉葯,兩秒後Berry安祥地走了。醫生離開房間。我們抱著Berry微溫的身體。他的身體輕了一點,靈魂解脫了。 Jeff與我變回小孩,在醫生回來前,毫無保留地釋放心中的傷痛。


我曾在街上見過一個人,他在左小腿背上紋上“Life is short”,右小腿背上紋上“but wide.”。多謝你Berry。雖然我們的相遇很短暫,但你在我們心留下甜甜的回憶,讓我們的生命擴闊了一點點。

Friday, June 01, 2012

Lace manic

I found these lace border stickers from a 10-dollar shop. Very cute and handy.

The heart shape one decorates my note book nicely.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spider web

Can you see a cloudy substance in the middle of this photo?  Guess what?  It was a complex, three-dimensional spider web weaved outside my reading room.  The creator was a not-so-nice-looking spider, with black and brown strips at all its legs (the tiny brownish spot in the middle).  It built this marvelous construction over a night.

I felt amazed by this scene.  That explained why recently not a single mosquito sneaking into our flat, I bet no flying objects could escape from this high-tech trapping system.  We should thank this Mr. Spider.  I was also grateful that it chose our windows to build his cozy home.  We didn't know each other but we share the same space.  Isn't it amazing?

However, this morning, one week after the web was constructed, it disappeared totally, without a trace.  I wonder if Mr. Spider had suddenly packed up the web into his petit backpack and started the journey to another destination.  You should have at least wave me goodbye, you know?

Anyway, Mr. Spider, bon voyage!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


混亂的定義 你在封塵的CD架上找到中學時買下的Highlights from The Phantom of the Opera,然後高采烈拿去播放。但當一開CD盒時,你看到卻是極粗眉的吳鎮宇,黃子華和張達明。。。原來那是鬚根Show 3DVD。那反高潮促使你心裏駡了一聲媽的。

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stylish Linus

Linus loves beautiful things, he appreciates elegance and delicacy.

I sprayed on a few drops of Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere this morning. When I walked pass Linus, he said 'mmm... I smell something really nice, what is that?'

My boy!! xxx

Monday, May 07, 2012



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Got tired

Frankly, I really got tired with all those hoaxes and urban legends, and all those brutal and blooding photos of animals, which aim to evoke your empathy toward abused animals, spreading in fb.

In fb, you cannot tell a friend to stop sending out those horrible photos which make you vomit.  Why can't I?  Because they are just my friends but not close friends, I cannot predict how they would respond if I do so.

It is even harder for me to tell my friends not to post those silly hoaxes.  Even they are doubt about the stories, they spred them out anyway just in case.  This act actually brings negative impact to the society in some subtle ways, such as to maximize the stereotyping or even discrimination to certain group of people.  However, I don't bother to tell my 'friends' what I think, I don't want to look different and stand out and wait for an academic debate with others in the virtual world.

To stop such irritation, I would rather not visiting those social media.  Sigh.....

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Non stop bread baking

Can you imagine I bake bread for my family almost everyday this week?
Glazed sweet bread rolls
They ate my bread during breakfast and snack, am still not tired with it.  

Jamie Oliver stated in a bread recipe that dough kneading is therapeutic.  I couldn't agree more!  You won't think much when you knead except focusing on that lovely dough.

See the creation I made!!  =)

Chocolate sweet bread rolls

Friday, March 09, 2012

Au natural

I found this very interesting project through Mail Online:

Being a woman, I always feel empowered by makeup and perfume.  They give me confidence.  However, since the first week I wore make up everyday (it was right after the birth of my second baby), I felt there was no u-turn.  I felt insecure to go out without dabbing some foundation or at least tinted moisturizer on my face.  I am not the extreme one.  At least, I just wear very light make up, or nude make up (i.e. you wear make-up but it is as natural as no make up).  However, I know it is not psychological healthy.  It is just like a kind of compulsive obsession.

That's why this project caught my attention.

Frankly, I wouldn't join this project officially but I am impressed and inspired by the two founders.  I would try to use less beautifying products (actually, at they really effective or are they just giving users hope or good feeling?  Only the manufacturers know!).  It is a bit hard for me to go out with bare face at the moment, but I will reduce the number of things I put on my skin.  =)

Tuesday, March 06, 2012



例如跟孩子們上親子班,好像抱著一舊小粉團唱歌跳舞,總覺得有禮貌的家長們暗地裏比試著孩子們的表現,覺得有點搞笑,但說不出為何搞笑。心裏又有點不安,想跟仔仔說這裏很不cool,媽媽想去飲杯alcoholic drink,你想一塊兒去嗎。。。

第一次參與parents’ day (一個讓家長們互想認識的gathering),拿著盛滿即溶咖啡的紙杯,然後對著其他家長傻笑,跟著開始懷疑自己是否有社交恐懼症。。。


Soft sweet bread roll

The boys were sick these two days.  They just had no appetite.  That's why I baked the sweet bread for them.

Linus helped me out to knead the dough, while Lucas was busy on drawing dinosaurs and sea reptiles. Linus made his own one which was stuffed with many chocolate chips.  However, he didn't take a bite at the end of the day.  In opposite, Lucas was the fan of my bread!

Daddy was late from work last night, he was surprised to see the bread when he arrived home.  They were freshly baked, the warmth and soft texture of the bread was the big indulgence to him after the long day.

The below is the recipe I used.  Just an additional note, to enhance the softness of the buns, I substitute all purpose flour to 2/3 bread flour and 1/3 cake flour

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


星期天晚,無線正播著的遊戲節目,見到一群穿著短裙的女孩隨著音樂騷首弄姿.各人像在跳舞但完全沒有節奏,動作沒有勁,像hea著等收工,更遑論她們的動作一致與否.我真的搞不清她們是在跳舞還是在搞笑. 老實說,就算她們賣的是青春與性感,但作為一位表演者,可否認真一點?

看過十秒後我立刻轉到Discovery Channel,我不想讓孩子們看那節目,並不是因為它賣弄色情(有觀眾向廣管局投訴),而是它賣弄色情得來製作非常粗糙又反智. 我不是一個保守的人,但我想培養孩子成為有品味的觀眾.


Monday, February 20, 2012





在Discovery Lifestyle and Living的烹飪節目,見到那些星級廚師,(尤其是法國藍帶那些,不是做份子料理那些),對食物有一種不能言喻的熱情。他們抱起一盆紅紅紫紫的雜莓會傻笑起來。當他們將食材處理,混合,烹調時,像在畫一幅色彩繽紛的油畫。就是這種passion,令他們成為一個出色的廚師。






我躲到男友家。看著電視,眼淚不自覺流下來。電視傳來《God Save The Queen》的壯麗音樂。英國國旗及香港殖民地旗幟在風雨飄搖中徐徐下降。一個多麼煽情的畫面!

這是我人生第一次如此反對父母。與其說是為了戀愛而離家出走,不如說是為了爭取戀愛的自由。他們認為沒有人比他們更愛自己的女兒,老是擔心女兒被男孩子傷害,變得無心向學。我沒有跟他們說,其實這些我老早經歷過,也熬過了。It was not a big deal at all!


電視中,洪亮的《義勇軍進行曲》奏起來,紅色的五星旗和香港特區區旗爬昇著。我們這一代,成長於彌漫著末世風情的年代:1984年中英聯合聲明,信心危機,移民潮,太空人,歌照跑,舞照跳,繁榮與安定,五十年不變,還有……笑聲救地球,還有……那用血寫在中國近代史上的六四事件。從兒時起,這些詞彙陪著我們成長,不斷衝擊我們的思想。終於到了政權移交的一刻,我感到的只是惆悵與茫然。我們這一代的大學生,遠不及火紅年代的那些天子門生,總是被批評為政治冷感,只顧享樂。 就像我,在這重要時刻,我為香港做到甚麼?我又能為香港做些甚麼?



第二天六時醒來,還感到臉上的淚痕的崩緊,天還下著昨晚那場雨。我很擔心爸媽,便跟男友說回家。六時三十分,他陪我到樓下,截了的士。男友看起來也很擔心,關上車門前,我應承他去爭取父母接納我們。車三十分鐘後到埗。雖然有傘子,但我跑回家那幾步路,還是濕透。 回到家,兩位怒火中燒的老人家果然已起床,在客廳等著我大興問罪。我見到他們完全沒有精神疲憊的跡象,心安定一些。至少,他們沒有傷心得崩潰。我穿越那此起彼落的雙聲道責駡,跑到房,關上門,倒頭大睡去。

之後劇情有點兒土。我當天淋雨後得了感冒,媽媽邊駡邊照顧我。病好後,我採取主動言和,雙方成功返回談判桌。兩代人重新對話時,電視重播著彭定康一家及查理斯王子踏上The Royal Yacht Britannia, 與香港人道別的一刻。彭定康看來很傷感,他那三位俏麗千金更哭成淚人。

爸跟我解釋他們的擔憂,我向他解釋我的堅持。最後雙方達成協議,我保証不會荒廢學業,兩年後如期畢業。(老實說, 讀文學院的,三年內畢不到業比畢到業難得多), 他應承不再干涉我拍拖。是次對話史無前例的成功。一星期後,爸替我出了人生第一部手提電話,好讓我夜歸前跟他們交帶一聲。我跟朋友笑說老爸這招真高,現正可以查著我行踪了!當然,我心裏很甜,也知道是父母是信任我的。





Monday, February 13, 2012

Bad mood

I am in a total bad mood today.

I couldn't sleep last night.  I had my first 'living-room-sleep over' from 4am to 6am.

And then I feel like I am a walking death.

Thanks to the lack of rest, I am annoyed easily today.

I used to hate the vacuum cleaner in my home.  It is extremely noisy (with its selling point was 'silent', stated on the packaging.).  Today, I want to smash it.

Ah!!!  Hopefully I can have a good sleep tonight, I NEED TO WORK TOMORROW, YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Mars and Venus

I read a book called 'Baby on the way' to my two boys.

Don't get me wrong, I have NO baby on the way.  I just thought this book was fun.

The story is about a typical family with two children, an expected mommy and a daddy.  Mommy's belly was growing day by day also the love around them.  One day, mommy's tummy got as hard as a ball caused by contraction, dad sent mom to hospital.  At last, an angelic baby came out, the whole family was busy yet joyful.

I gave them a brief explanation about the laboring and delivery of a baby.  I told them the tremendous pain that I had experienced during the process.

'That's why, you should respect women, for the role they play in the mankind.'  I said.

The boys nodded, I'm sure they know what I mean.

When I was a teenage, I was a believer of feminism.  I dreamed I would be a career woman one day (and if anyone from the opposite gender who tried to hinder my career path as I was a woman, I would have inserted my high heels into his eye sockets), marriage and kid free, and burning bras (if it was really necessary to make a dramatic effect).  Of course, all these were just my silly imaginations.  Bras, in fact, are expensive! 

When I reached twenties, I started being skeptical to feminism, I doubt the idea of 'women don't need men', women need men as men need women, we are all living together in a group, socially and biologically.  Women can be as smart as men without sacrificing their femininity, men can also be gentle at the same time embracing their masculinity.  Since then, I looked for gender equality, I looked for mutual respect between men and women.

Being a mother, I have an obligation to educate my kids about this.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

I wanna burn all ipads in my vicinity!!

I know ipads are fascinating, but I just hate to see kids who deal with the daily life nonchalantly but sticking their noses to the an illuminating screen.

This is what my son is doing, but I have no ability to stop it, not because I am sheepish, but I am not the 'in-charge' person in this house at this moment.


Friday, February 03, 2012

Worker Bee

Haven't post blogs related to working for a long time .  When I reviewed the entries I labelled as 'working bee' (or should it be worker bee? Whatever), there were non stop babbling and grumbling.  I wonder if I was 'Little Miss Grumpy' at that time.

Alright, starting the Year of the Dragon, I have received several job requests this week.  This should be a good sign.  I do enjoy this full-time mom-and-freelancer-marketing/ research-professional mode so much. If possible, I don't want to work in a full time job anymore even my kids grown up.  Once you experience the flexibility to work independently, you just don't want to go back, to beg for the appreciations from the bosses, who thinks they pay you is an act of charity.

Cross my fingers.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012



Saturday, January 21, 2012




Lovely coffee cream cake

I have made this smily coffee cream cake in this quiet Saturday.  We could foresee the streets and shopping malls would be crowded with tourists and people who were too enthusiastic for a pre CNY shopping, therefore we decided to stay home and ordered pizza delivery.

Nothing is better than baking in such a lazy day.  This is a very simple cake which was made by coffee flavor sponge cake, adorned with freshly whipped cream and chocolate chips.   

There would be two more days to Linus's birthday, but we just couldn't wait to sing happy birthday song to him before we cut this homemade funny cake.

Hope such sweet memory would imprint in the kids' mind!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Narcisse in my home

Look at this beautiful plant.  It is Narcisse (水仙), one of the festive flowers of Chinese New Year.

I like the delicate and divine scent of Narcisse.  It is easy to keep one pot of it at home.  What you should do is just to refresh the water inside the pot daily.

I believe more flowers would blossom during the coming Chinese New Year!

BTW, I think the ribbon with disproportional size around the plant is cute, haha!!

Kung Hei Fat Choi!!!  Have a prosperous Year of Dragon!!

Monday, January 09, 2012







Wednesday, January 04, 2012

《看水不是水(Zen Ghosts)》






原著:Zen Ghosts
原著作者:Jon J Muth

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Hello 2012!!

Good day everyone!!

It is January 3, 2012.  Lucas starts his brand new school year, Linus should wait until January 5, now he is enjoying a peaceful nap (a.k.a. my peaceful afternoon) after 5 oz. of milk.  The weather is lovely, sunshine penetrates through the windows of my study room.  I am sitting in front of my sexy Mac Air, typing this entry.  My blog is always a nice place to lingering around, because I know you will stop by sometimes and listen to my babbling.

First, what had I done in 2011?

It was quite a good year.  We were all healthy and happy, we were able to go through some difficulties which weren't big deals at all.  We met many old friends and made some new.  We threw many parties with family.  Four of us performed a play on stage, three times.  We travelled twice.  I had worked quite often and tried something new.  I did read some good books.  What can I complain about ?

Okay, 2012 seems a great year ahead to me.  Now, sounds really cliche, is time for a New Year Resolution:
  • Keep writing and reading ( I would have a script writing course in April)
  • Enjoy the time with my family
  • Keep exercising
  • Cook great food for my loved one
  • Have courage to any adventure, including new jobs
  • Stay happy, don't mingle with little business
  • Learn something new, it doesn't mean I should join any courses but to explore something I haven't tried before, such as... gardening?  lip balm making?  Writing a book? 
Let see!

People are talking about the 'prophecy' of apocalypse in 2012.  Frankly, I don't believe this.  Why?  I am just 34 years old but had already heard about the arrival of doomsday more than 3 times in different years.  The frequency is too high, based on the geographical timeline of Earth, isn't it?

Before the arrival of Jan 1, I was hugging my boys
under a duvet, reading them this book
about human right.  Then we counted down together.
This was one of the best new year celebration in my life.
Anyway (or I prefer to use the laziest word of the century - Whatever), Hope you all have a joyful and prosperous 2012!