Tuesday, August 16, 2011


暑假過了大半,我跟孩子們黏在一起的悠長假期也接近尾聲!暑假剛開始的首兩個星期,我被兩位細袁生弄得團團轉,要出外管接送暑期班,要在家跟他們玩過不停,home schooling,包括畫畫,玩泥膠,讀書,寫字,做勞作, 行山,踏單車,又要不斷阻上兩位人仔每30分鐘一次的扭鬥°曾經有一次我在混亂中跌倒,腿瘀了一大片°

我跟朋友說,孩子的暑假就是我的暑期boot camp,我的導師(即是兩位細袁生)要我在短短8星期內將我的忍耐力,身手及領導才能極速提昇!









Thursday, August 11, 2011

A big book

I knew about 'Six Wives - The Queens of Henry VIII' through the seminar held by David Tang during the Hong Kong Book Fair 2011.  It was written by David Starkey and published in 2004.  I am reading this book through kindle.

The hard cover of this book has 880 pages.  It is quite a big book.  I am still at 7% of the kindle version, which is still talking about how the first queen, Catherine took her exhausted trip from Spain to England for the wedding ceremony, with Henry's brother, Arthur.

Royal stories are always captivating, as they usually consists of lust, politics, wealth, blood and darkness of human being.  Royal marriages, especially during the old time, were not about love of two persons but the alliance of power, or based on different kind of political reasons.  

Since I am still at the beginning of the book, I hope I can provide a full book review once I read the last page (not sure how long will stretch). However the first 7% of it tells me quite a lot about British history, and I can tell David Starkey is excellent in constructing each of the character in the book vividly based on those supposed to be boring historical facts.

A beautiful world

Too many violence and disasters around the world.  An individual may not be able to make any significant change, but at least we can do our part the best, to love people around us, treasure those who love me, be a good person.

I am not concerned when will be the end of the world.  You know, when there is an end, there is always a beginning.  Live at the moment and seize the day.