Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Got tired

Frankly, I really got tired with all those hoaxes and urban legends, and all those brutal and blooding photos of animals, which aim to evoke your empathy toward abused animals, spreading in fb.

In fb, you cannot tell a friend to stop sending out those horrible photos which make you vomit.  Why can't I?  Because they are just my friends but not close friends, I cannot predict how they would respond if I do so.

It is even harder for me to tell my friends not to post those silly hoaxes.  Even they are doubt about the stories, they spred them out anyway just in case.  This act actually brings negative impact to the society in some subtle ways, such as to maximize the stereotyping or even discrimination to certain group of people.  However, I don't bother to tell my 'friends' what I think, I don't want to look different and stand out and wait for an academic debate with others in the virtual world.

To stop such irritation, I would rather not visiting those social media.  Sigh.....

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Non stop bread baking

Can you imagine I bake bread for my family almost everyday this week?
Glazed sweet bread rolls
They ate my bread during breakfast and snack, am still not tired with it.  

Jamie Oliver stated in a bread recipe that dough kneading is therapeutic.  I couldn't agree more!  You won't think much when you knead except focusing on that lovely dough.

See the creation I made!!  =)

Chocolate sweet bread rolls

Friday, March 09, 2012

Au natural

I found this very interesting project through Mail Online:

Being a woman, I always feel empowered by makeup and perfume.  They give me confidence.  However, since the first week I wore make up everyday (it was right after the birth of my second baby), I felt there was no u-turn.  I felt insecure to go out without dabbing some foundation or at least tinted moisturizer on my face.  I am not the extreme one.  At least, I just wear very light make up, or nude make up (i.e. you wear make-up but it is as natural as no make up).  However, I know it is not psychological healthy.  It is just like a kind of compulsive obsession.

That's why this project caught my attention.

Frankly, I wouldn't join this project officially but I am impressed and inspired by the two founders.  I would try to use less beautifying products (actually, at they really effective or are they just giving users hope or good feeling?  Only the manufacturers know!).  It is a bit hard for me to go out with bare face at the moment, but I will reduce the number of things I put on my skin.  =)

Tuesday, March 06, 2012



例如跟孩子們上親子班,好像抱著一舊小粉團唱歌跳舞,總覺得有禮貌的家長們暗地裏比試著孩子們的表現,覺得有點搞笑,但說不出為何搞笑。心裏又有點不安,想跟仔仔說這裏很不cool,媽媽想去飲杯alcoholic drink,你想一塊兒去嗎。。。

第一次參與parents’ day (一個讓家長們互想認識的gathering),拿著盛滿即溶咖啡的紙杯,然後對著其他家長傻笑,跟著開始懷疑自己是否有社交恐懼症。。。


Soft sweet bread roll

The boys were sick these two days.  They just had no appetite.  That's why I baked the sweet bread for them.

Linus helped me out to knead the dough, while Lucas was busy on drawing dinosaurs and sea reptiles. Linus made his own one which was stuffed with many chocolate chips.  However, he didn't take a bite at the end of the day.  In opposite, Lucas was the fan of my bread!

Daddy was late from work last night, he was surprised to see the bread when he arrived home.  They were freshly baked, the warmth and soft texture of the bread was the big indulgence to him after the long day.

The below is the recipe I used.  Just an additional note, to enhance the softness of the buns, I substitute all purpose flour to 2/3 bread flour and 1/3 cake flour