Monday, July 07, 2014

兒童書介紹 - 《超神奇洗髮精》


故事中的世界出現了很多外型有趣的洗髮精,火箭啦、獨角仙啦,小企鵝等。 「我」和城中的所以人也湧到大賣場瘋狂購買⋯⋯可是奇怪的事發生了!所有用過神奇洗髮水的人都變成了火箭、獨角仙,小企鵝,爸爸還變成讓人聞風喪膽的怪獸酷斯拉呢!這一切原來是超神奇怪俠搞鬼!究竟全城的人如何才能變回原狀?為甚麼「我」說以後會乖乖用普通洗髮精洗頭?大家真的要看看這個故事啊!



書名: 《超神奇洗髮精》
出版社: 小魯文化事業股份有限公司
作者/ 插畫: 宮達西也
翻譯: 陳瀅如

A lovely day

Finally it is cooler today.  We were literally baking under the sun last week.

Many political incidents happened in Hong Kong in last few weeks.  People were murmuring "Hong Kong is dying".  However, if you look back the human history, our lovely home is still far from dying. 

My kids are playing some imaginative games in their bedroom right now.  They laugh, they yell, they just enjoy themselves.

Yes, life is never a piece of cake.  Let's appreciate every tiny beauty around us everyday.  Guess what, even a cool breeze from an electric fan can make you happy.

C'est la vie.